• ↞Chapter 6: Party?↠ •

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|West Coast High|

|Third person's POV|

Izuku had now been in America for about a week, he had grown rather close to the group but hadn't told them anything about his life in Japan.

"So, you moved to America? Right?" Bethany asked as she walked down the hall, on her way to physical training class with the group.

"Yeah, from Japan, why?" Izuku replied, tilting his head to the side as he spoke.

"Well... why'd you move? I mean, I'm glad you're here and all but surely you had a reason... right?" She asked, hesitating slightly as she finished.

"Uh... yeah, I had a reason," Izuku said, quietly as they turned a corner.

"And that was..?" Damien asked as Axel slipped his arm around the green-haired boy's waist, playing with his belt loops as a way to comfort him.

"Um, one of my friends, or well- ex-friends, Ochako Uraraka, confessed to me, and when I told her no because," he paused and gestured to his outfit which was black booty shorts and an oversized, white hoodie with very chewed up jaw strings and black boots. "Clearly I'm gay as hell," he continued, "she freaked like- the fuck out and forced herself onto me, she said all this shit like 'you should be mine!' And, 'Trust me Deku~kun!' She forcefully kissed me and ran her hand down my thigh and all and I sorta snapped and slapped her," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"She's fucking dead," Axel said, glaring at nothing in particular. Izuku giggled.

"I'm not even finished," he sighed, "no, after I slapped her I left, pretty sure she was crying, and just went to my dorm and cried myself to sleep, the next day I came out and everyone was glaring at me and shit and then I walk into the living room to see the bitch crying her lamps out on the sofa, so I ask 'what happened' like the good fucking friend I am and Mina and Hagakure- girls in my class," he added, "-blew up at me, yelling about how I was such a horrible person and shit and then they wouldn't even listen to my side of the story, she told everyone that she confessed to me and then I forced myself onto her and when she pushed me away I slapped her."

The whole group looked downright furious at this point, the kids who were still in the hallways were avoiding walking near them because of the glares and deadly aura that was coming from them.

"Then, then, she had the audacity to tell the fucking teachers, I told them my side of the story, she told them hers, there was no way of proving our innocence so we both stayed at the school and the entire class except Kacchan ignored me or just downright fucking ridiculed me for the rest of the year," he sighed, "then my Ma phoned and said she wanted us to move to America with dad because money was tight back in Japan and now here I am," he finished.

"I'm so going to bitch-slap the fuck out of her if I ever meet her," Harumi said as Addison and Bethany nodded in agreement.

"Wow, so you really didn't have a good life in Japan?" Damien commented.

"That's not even half of it," Izuku said, before anyone could say anything they had arrived at the gym. "Let's go," he said as he opened the door and walked in, the others following close behind.

"Ah, hello," their teacher greeted them, "today we are..."

The group were now all sprawled over Izuku's bedroom, contemplating what they should do, nothing they thought of was fun enough.

"How about we go to a party?" Damien suggested.

"Yes!" Harumi screeched as she bounced on the bed.

"Have you ever actually been to a party 'Zuku?" Addison asked, everyone's attention immediately turned to Izuku.

To Be Continued...
~655 words~

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be the party, if you have anything you want to see in this story then let me know, they'll most likely be incorporated at some point.)

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