thirty five

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chapter thirty five
the prisoner of azkaban

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Amelia looked up from her bed and saw Daphne standing there there.

"Hey," the brunette said, "sorry for running off."

"It's okay," Daphne said smiling as she she walked t her best friend and sat next to her. Amelia wrapped her arm around Amelia's shoulder and the brunette rested her head on Daphne's shoulder. "What's up?"

"The one time I accept my. . . ."

"Feelings?" Daphne asked as Amelia nodded.

"He tells me he's liked Pansy since first year," Amelia added as she sighed. 

"No," Daphne said as Amelia looked at her confused.

"What do you mean no?" she asked, "he literally told me himself."

"He's lying," the blonde said as Amelia chuckled.

"I wish," she said as Daphne smiled.

"I promise you," Daphne said, "he is head over heels for you." Amelia smiled sadly as she sighed. "Now come on, let's go downstairs." Amelia nodded as she followed Daphne out of her bedroom and down into the bar where they found Mr. Greengrass reading the Daily Prophet.

"Amelia!" he said, smiling as he looked up. "How are you?"

"Good, thanks," said the two best friends joined Mr. Greengrass with their shopping. "How are you?"

"Very well thank you," he said smiling. Mr. Greengrass put down his paper, and Amelia saw the now familiar picture of Sirius Black staring up at her.

"They still haven't caught him, then?" she asked.

"No," said Mr. Greengrass, looking extremely grave. "They've pulled us all off our regular jobs at the Ministry to try and find him, but no luck so far."

"Would we get a reward if we caught him?" asked Daphne.

"Don't be silly dear," said Mr. Greengrass amused, who on closer inspection looked very strained. "Black's not going to be caught by two thirteen-year-old witches. It's the Azkaban guards who'll get him back, you mark my words."

At that moment Mrs. Greengrass entered the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by Astoria.

"Lia!" Astoria said grinning as Amelia smiled.

"Hey Tori," Amelia said grinning as she hugged the youngest Greengrass sibling.

"I saw that boy you're in love with," Astoria said as Amelia looked at her confused.

"Who?" Amelia asked as Astoria grinned.

"That Malfoy boy," she said as Amelia gave a fake chuckle.

"I am not in love with him," the brunette said as Astoria chuckled.

"Sure," she said as Amelia looked shocked.

"I'm not!" she laughed.

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Dinner that night was a very enjoyable affair. Tom the innkeeper put two tables together in the parlour, and the four Greengrass' and Amelia ate their way through five delicious courses.

"How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" asked Daphne as they dug into a sumptuous chocolate pudding.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," said Mr. Weasley. Everyone looked up at him.

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