Hello, hello.

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You know me. I always need to ramble first.

Okay. There's a loooot to unpack here. 

This story has been nagging me fore ages. If you've listened to any of my lives you know it's almost all I talk about all the time.

You know when you get an idea, and it's just stuuuuck in your head? This was it. 

I've gone a little over board with it though. 

This story is about fandom really, and the friends you make along the way. A very important character, the Queen of the Nine Knots fandom, going by Tenth Knot writes a popular fanfic about the band.

So, naturally, I had to write that fanfic. 

And I'm actually uploading it. You can check it out at TenthKnot

I also made an instagram for Tenth Knot and for Nine Knots. 

You can access them here:



Because I have issuuuues, and I'm actually going to make songs for the band. My musician friend is helping me. I'm serious. XD I really want this boyband to feel real you see. I'll put comment threads and use media, and I want you guys to feel like you're actually part of that fandom with Naree and company. 

 I will be uploading 2 chapters every week, every Saturday and Sunday. I'll put it on Patreon also, so you have like 8 chapters in advance. I'll put it live real soon.

I really hope you'll love Naree as much as me. Usually readers fall in love with the main boy. I don't want this this time, though I do want you guys to looooove all the boys from the band. But I really want Naree to have a special place in your hearts. Because she does in mine. 

So, check everything out if you can, and see you all on Saturday, when the fun will really begin. 

Tenth KnotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora