apha bloodedge

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after the preview was over everyone got interest

azure:now everyone wait an the waiting room while i prepare anything

everyone go to the waiting as they talk about kaina jason

noel:i.i still suprise of that version of jason

jin:yeah like i never trouh an version who like destroy and make others suffer

jubei:then again is not fully sadistict he only does that to thoses who deserb it and he care his for ragna and other people

god kiana:you right and he still love dispide he know what i really done

ragna:i can tell

god kiana hug ragna as by suprise of jin and saya ragna hug her back


jubei:that is nice and

the blazlue cast notice velvet was really jealous who have an deep dark aura


ragna:wait velvet i

god kiana:i better than you

velvet was now piss

ragna:oh no

issei:i still shock about that version of jason

asia:y yeah it was like it was an monster...with the face of our friend

izuku:but azure say is not evil o an villain

aizawa:but is not good guy either i think is an true neutra o chaotic since she did bad things

hibari:y yeah when he kill that robber an the worst way posible

blake:and destroy atlas i mean i hate that place but not that much to see everyone there dead

yang:but hey he is nice after all he save the slave faunus right


weiss:but he is twist i mean he make winter face an clone of me without realisi is an clone

rias:well he know her weakness soo he use that 

kiana:yeah i still suprise i have an step son

himeka:yeah and more if is the hersher of the void but then again that an least she is ..well nice

sirin:of course we are..after we been trough after lost our memories we are not longer follow the honkai will

kallen:that is good..still is odd to know someone like that is my predecesor


azure return

azure:all right back to the movie trheate

they return to see more seats

ragna:we have more guests

azure:yeah you won't believe how many universe you son go and more his alternative versions

mai{blazblue}:how many we talking about

azure:i can estimate aroud....399.598 universes

they jaws drops

everyone:that many!?!?

azure:yes now

she goes to the stage and summor an okarina

azure:i gonnad use an diferent method istead 

she start to play

{start an 1:16 and end 1:30}

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