the dark intoner

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everyone feel an big chill on they spine after the previous preview

azure:now go to the waiting room

the group head there as azure sight

azure:this one is gonnad traumatize people...but then again an least two of then is gonnad deserb it

the group have chats o have fun

izuku:soo you two are superheroes on paris

marinette:yeah pretty much but we don't have thoses quicks we have kiwamins witch allows to trasform

uraka:that remind me to kamen rider

adrien:that is what i trough

marinette:you even try the famous kick and fail

the group laugh as adrien was embarrased

aisha:soo you can use magic

emilia:yeah mosty fire and ice magic

satella:i can use maisma witch is very powerful

reinhard:that is true

elsword:an least satella is an the good side

satella:say thanks to my son for that

ikki:that is an interesting blade you have there corrin

corrin:i know*look yato*never trough i use an blade like this

ryoman:yeah olso is true you are expert an swordmanship?

ikki:yeah me and jason who is my adopte brother

leo:you are adopter?

ikki:yeah my previous family didn't like me since i wasn't "gift"like then but jason rescuer me and his family adopt me

azura:that sounds something jason do

kirito:wait soo fight mosnter but olso have to drink blood soo you can't became one

mia:yeah pretty much back then but lucky that was lone gone

asuna:but you still die and get resurrect?


kirito:now that sounds like sao but less the resuretion part

louis:believe kid our world is way worse than yours

asuna:and to jason?

louis:well he sure have trouble but dammt he guy was an damm powerhouse for sure

mia:yeah without him we pretty much skew an many scenarios

azure return

azure:is time to return

the group return as azure use the ocarina again as another group appear

drakhard 3 cast{alternative version}

hundred cast

akame ga kill cast{less senyu for you know reasons}

fire emblems awakening{grima is include and robin and grima is female}

{zero doesn't have the curse flower}

zero:what the fuck!?

one:seems like we are teleport here

zero:oh that is percetive how and why!?

one:no idea

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