↬Meeting your siblings

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!Only Tony and Pepper, Clint and Laura, Wanda and Vision!

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Tony walked inside Stark Tower, carrying all the stuff while Pepper carried you. Both Tony and Pepper knew that Morgan would be more than excited to meet you.

As Tony put the stuff away, Morgan ran out into the living room while Pepper sat down on the couch with you in her arms. Morgan immediately placed herself beside Pepper, looking at you with hearts in her eyes.

"Morgan, this is your new sister. Y/n." Tony introduced, sitting down beside Morgan after putting the stuff away.

Morgan giggled as she moved closer to Pepper to get a better look at you. "She's so cute!" Morgan beamed, trying to find any way to hold you. Tony and Pepper smiled at each other, noticing this.

"Here, be careful." Pepper warned, gently helping Morgan hold you. Morgan was more than careful with you.

"Hi! I'm Morgan! I'm your big sister!" Morgan introduced herself to you, making Pepper and Tony laugh softly at the cuteness in front of them.

Laura and Clint Barton:

As soon as the couple walked inside their house with you, they were ambushed by your three other siblings. They kept throwing questions at Laura and Clint, making Laura laugh as she led them to the couch with you.

Clint smiled at the sight of Laura sitting down on the couch with you in her arms while his other kids tried to introduce themselves to you.

"Now, now. Don't overwhelm your new sister here." Clint said, sitting down on the couch with everyone else.

"I like her, dad!" One of your siblings exclaimed and Clint smiled at him, ruffling his hair.

"Alright, you guys can take turns holding her and then you can introduce yourselves to her." Laura explained, handing you to Cooper, Clint and Laura's oldest son.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

Vision opened the front door to his and Wanda's house in Westview. "Boys! We're home!" Vision called out as him and Wanda walked inside the house, Wanda smiling and playing with you.

Tommy, holding Billy's hand, used his super speed to rush over to you. "Where is our sister?" Billy asked excitedly and Vision smiled at them.

"Sit down first." He said and in a second, they both were sitting on the couch with eager smiles on their faces. Wanda chuckled at them as she sat down next to them, Vision also joining them.

"Now, remember to support her neck and be very careful." Wanda reminded, Billy and Tommy nodding their heads impatiently.

Wanda carefully handed you to them and they held you like they were instructed to. Wanda and Vision smiled as Billy and Tommy played with you and talked to you in a baby voice.

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