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"Look, Akane, I'll call you and explain everything to you later." You told him while you were both walking together "Right now let's just do this meeting and get it over with."

He hesitantly nodded, obviously wanting to know more but you looked way too tired. He thought it must've been from the people bombarding you with questions through the whole school day.

There was just an awkward silence between you two until you decide to cut through with a question, "Oh! Akane, can you do me a favor and stay close with me at all times?"

He looked at you confused "Sure, but can I ask why?"

You looked down at your finger and fiddled with them, debating if you should say the whole truth or only half the truth "I really don't want anyone asking me anymore questions, it gets tiring." You chose the half truth.

Akane looked at you suspiciously for a couple seconds then sighed, "You know you aren't a very good liar" your head snapped up and you looked at him slightly shocked "I mean, if you're gonna lie than at least look up at me" he said while smirking slightly.

Your eye twitched in annoyance "Shut up! At least my lying is better than yours! You can barely lie to save your life- and don't even try lying to me because I've seen you before!" You exclaimed accusingly as you put your arms under your chest, holding your chest up a bit while do so to appear more serious.

He closed his eyes and sighed loudly with a small blush on his face "Just close that pretty little mouth of yours and let's go in" Oh, you didn't even notice that the both of you already made it to the student council room- and wait what de he say?

"Oh- um- yeah," he raised an eyebrow at you expecting to hear more "Actually I have another favor to ask."

"Mm, alright shoot" he replied while laying against the wall, comfortably relaxed, his eyes staring at yours through his glasses.

'Was he always this pretty?'

I felt my face grow warm as I shook my head lightly to get the thought out of my head. 'Come on, get a grip you're engaged..' I sighed deeply and replied. " I hope you're okay with this but, I was hoping you can kind of stick with me at all times so people can leave me alone."

Akane crossed his arms and chucked lowly with a smirk on his face "By people, this means Teru too, right?" I slowly nodded. "Ha, funny, you guys are practically dating, right? And you wanna stay away from him? How weird, huh."

I didn't answer, I couldn't just tell him right now why, we didn't have enough time right now. Besides, I'll tell him later when I get back home and call him. I felt my face get red as I thought of staying up while calling Akane instead of getting some sleep.

"Look, I already told you I'll tell you later alright? Right now let's just go in, they're probably waiting for us right now" I told him as I turned my body to the door but kept my face still facing him.

"Fine" he replied, getting off the wall with a small grunt "But you better alright?" He said while pointing a finger in a playful manner with a smile on his face.

'How cute.'

I smiled back at him and nodded then opened the door- not excited at all to see the handsome face of my soon to-be husband.

I smiled back at him and nodded then opened the door- not excited at all to see the handsome face of my soon to-be husband

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AN: small chapter. But Wattpad wasn't working at all for me so I couldn'ty update. And also my sophomore year starts next week and I'm very nervous so expect (hopefully) longer chapters but they might take a little longer.
And also Akane and reader ooo

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