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You were currently sitting on a chair in your room in front of your vanity. You were currently fixing your hair one last time before you go to the kitchen and then school. You tucked a small strand of hair behind your ear and let out a satisfied hum when you were happy.

You got up and pushed the chair and pat down your uniform dress just in case of any wrinkles that formed while you were sitting. After that, you got picked up your phone from the vanity and grabbed your bag beside the door and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

When you made it to the kitchen you only saw your mom currently sitting at the table drinking what looks like a cup of coffee. She gave you a small greeting and you greeted back, you went to the fridge to pour yourself a cup of juice and two eggs to make scrambled eggs.

When you poured the eggs in the pan you heard your mom call you, "Y/n, sweetie, when your done, can you come here real quick? I need to give you something." You replied with a simple 'okay' and grabbed a plate to put your eggs in.

Once you were done, you put the eggs on the plate and poured you juice in a glass cup and walked over to the table and carefully placed it. When you sat down, your mother started speaking, "Well, since it's confirmed that you and Teru will get married later on, we decided to give you something."

You replied with a hum as you were happily eating and started drinking your juice waiting for your mom to continue speaking, she grabbed something from the chair beside her and pulled out a small velvety box, "We have decided that you should wear this ring wherever you go" she said as she opened the box to reveal a gorgeous ring, you choked on your juice at the sight of the ring.

'Are they serious?' you thought between coughs.

"Oh don't worry! You can go around saying it's a promise ring between you and Teru! This way people will think you guys are serious about dating!" Your mother said as if it was nothing with a big smile on her face.

Once you were done with your coughing fit you replied, "You expect me to just tell people we're dating?"

Your mother looked at you dumbfounded "Why, of course. I mean it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone really, you guys are practically made for each other!" Your mother happy replied with a dreamy look on her face, you can only guess that she was dreaming of you and Teru's future together once you're married. How gross.

You looked at her with disgust as if she was some abnormal creature, but quickly thought more about it. 'If I wear this ring,' you mentally thought while grabbing the ring out of the box and inspecting it, 'then it should hopefully make people stop asking me out as much!' You thought happily.

You immediately slipped the ring on its proper place on your finger, the ring finger, and stared at it with a smirk.

"Oh! How happy I am that you seem to be happy!" Your mother said happily while clapping her hands when she saw you put the ring on. "You know, at first I was so sad since you seemed to be so against it! Totally the opposite of Teru! But it's great to see you're happy now!"

'Huh? Teru?'

You have her a confused look "What do you mean Teru was the opposite of me?" You questioned her.

Your mom just waved her hand around with a smile, "Ohh, when his parents told him that you two were getting married, he happily accepted right away! He's such a nice boy you know, I have no idea why you don't seem to like the poor boy!" She answered.

'How can I ever like him? He's big pervert who stuck his hands between my boobs without consent!' You mentally thought as a small blush started growing on your cheeks when you remembered the past events.

'But, even then it's a little weird, he was fine with it?' You tried thinking of a possible reason for it other than he probably likes you- but you brushed it off, I mean, come on! You barely spoke to him at all in school!

"Oh!" Your mother interrupted your thoughts. "You should quickly head to school right now."

You finished your breakfast at record pace and put the dishes away and ran out the house before quickly saying 'bye', not even waiting for a reply back as you ran to school.

You finished your breakfast at record pace and put the dishes away and ran out the house before quickly saying 'bye', not even waiting for a reply back as you ran to school

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It was now nearing the end of the school day, and to say you were drained... would be the biggest understatement of the year. Throughout the day, you've been bombarded with questions concerning the relationship between you and pretty boy Teru.

It got annoying very quickly and all you wanted to do was go home and rest- but you couldn't even do that since you had a student council meeting to attend, which meant, you had to see Teru and those gorgeous blue eyes of his and his nice fluffy hair.

'How annoying'

But that thought was interrupted by you walking into the back of someone. They turned around and it turned out to be your best friend, and fellow Vice President, Akane.

He looked at you up and down, inspecting you. You could only guess is because he heard the rumors of you and Teru dating- which was it even rumors at this point if it was true? You stopped that thought and went back at looking at Akane who was still looking at you, but this time he wasn't looking up and down anymore, instead he was intently staring at your hand, specifically, the ring on your finger.

You right away knew what he was going to say you quickly brought your hands up to your ears to hopefully block out what was going to come out of his mouth.


You closed your eyes and let out a tired sigh.
'Oh boy, I'm not going to get any sleep while explaining what's going am I?'

AN: I went zip lining with my brother yesterday and almost peed my pants when it was my turn

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AN: I went zip lining with my brother yesterday and almost peed my pants when it was my turn. But I didn't since I'm on my period and it's gonna look like kool aid so I held it in like a champ🥱💪‼️ #girlboss

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