Chapter Twenty-Two

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"This is ridiculous! I don't even know why I'm crying." You spoke with a laugh as you waved your hand to try and dry your eyes.

Ava was behind you, zipping up your white dress. She turned your body so you were facing the tall body mirror that was tucked in the corner of the room.

Your dress was tighter along your torso, and flowed out around your legs. It had many sparkles embedded all along the top, while the skirt portion was a silky white.

Your hair was styled with beautiful waves and a braid to keep the hair out of your eyes. Ava was finishing the look by clipping in a pearl hair clip. The hair style accentuated your horns perfectly.

You and Leif wanted to make sure your wedding had every aspects of your homes. You would no longer pretend to be a human, but you would embrace every side of you.

"God I can't even believe it's today. I feel like it's been years." You we're hugging Ava now and she laughed as she patted your back, careful not to crease anything.

"It's been eight months sis."

"I'm a Daemos time is different for me." You grinned.

The door opened and your father's walked in. "Oh baby." Devon spoke and both of your father's had a hand over their mouth in awe at your appearance.

"You're stunning Y/n." Andrew kissed your temple and the two of them crushed you in a hug.

Ava stood off to the side and watched the interaction between the three of you with a smile on her face and a tear running down her cheek.

You turned and grabbed her arm and tugged her into the hug. "Now all we're missing is Asch." Ava laughed and the door opened again.

"Did I hear my name?" Your brother approached the four of you with a grin and joined the hug. He had just gotten back to Earth not even an hour ago, and was already adorned with the tux that Leif insisted he wore.

"Hey fireball." You grinned and his eye brows furrowed. Your fathers and sister took a step back and Asch looked at you in awe.

"You a princess." He smiled softly, bringing you back to tears.


The ceremony began and a fun, upbeat song began to play for Leif's entrance, with his groomsmen following behind him. He only found it fighting for Asch and his fellow knights to stand by him while he married the love of his life, being that they helped him find you again.

Next, your bridesmaids Ava, Mrs. Oates, and Lorelei danced down the aisle to join the males.

Then the music shifted to a much slower song. You wanted a fun one like your family, but Ava convinced you that the moment should be soft and special. Your arms were linked with your fathers, they looked down at you with a big smile on both of their faces. Their eyes were teary, "Are you ready baby?" Andrew asked and you smiled brightly.

"More than ever, thank you both for everything." You knew they weren't expecting a thank you, but you felt like they deserved that and so much more. They found you on the streets and took you in with no second thought. These men saved your life and you would be forever grateful.

Following the flower girl, the three of you walked down the aisle. Your eyes immediately found Leif's. Both of you broke out into tears as you found each other. It had been torture to be apart until this moment, but you found yourself speeding up to get to him sooner.

The ceremony was short and your vows were spoken in private.

"Make it quick rev, we've got big plans." Leif grinned as he winked at you. You grinned and nodded eagerly, excited for what the two of you planned to do next.

"Oh Um- okay," the poor reverend was terribly confused, "Do you Leif, take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He began to speak but Leif interrupted him with a solid,


The reverend cleared his throat, "And do you Y/n, take Leif to be your lawfully wedded husband."

He didn't even bother to say more, and you immediately beamed, "Yes."

The reverend sighed and closed the book in his hand. "You may kiss the bride." He smiled softly.

Leif pulled you in roughly by your waist, leaving you to stumbled a bit. He caught your head and dipped you, pressing his lips against yours.

You felt your soul light up completely as the two of you finally became one.

After you parted, Leif scooped you up in his arms and began to run. "Thank you all for coming! Enjoy the reception!" Everyone was left incredibly confused as he ran to the large limo your parents had rented.

You all climbed into the car and kissed again. He barely parted to look into your eyes, "Ready for our next adventure?" He asked with a cheeky grin.



"Daddy? Is that really the end?" The small, dark haired girl asked as she sat on her father's lap in front of a crackling fire. Her father picked up the small girl's hand and rubbed his hand over the shining ring on her finger.

"It's the end of the first part of her life story. Everyone has multiple, chapters, to say in their lives. That was only the first one, how your aunt saved two worlds by herself." Asch smiled as he patted his daughter's head.

"Not completely by herself! She had the support of all her friends!" The girl waved her arms and her face was giddy.

Asch laughed softly and nodded. "You're right about that Amara. You're going to be just like her one day, you're the next great Princess of Daemos." He beamed as he held her in a tight hug.

Amara giggled as she nodded her head. "I'll do my best daddy, to make you proud."

"You already have Amara."

"I love you daddy." The small girl was slowly falling asleep as her father rocked her.

"I love you too, princess."


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