The Beach Resort on a Holiday

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Upon taking in the breathtaking spectacle before me, an overflowing stream of relaxation and pleasure entranced and mesmerized me entirely. The heavenly panorama of the beach, coupled with the artificial yet aesthetically pleasing facilities and structures captivated every single receptor of my eyes. Brimming with exuberance and relaxation, it was heaven on earth. This resort was the quintessential paradise for a well-deserved holiday.

With a width that rivals that of the ocean, a central pool occupied a broad and vast space of the inner grassland. It was an opulent pool that shone majestically under the brilliant radiance of the Sun. Complemented by the glorious gold flooring, the waters were placid and pure like emeralds.

I lowered my body leisurely into the pool, relishing the angelic caress of the water as it soaked my shirt and moistened my skin. It was incomprehensibly toasty and comfortable. Once my body was habituated to the pool, I submerged my head under water and swam freely. It felt like I was engulfed in a bath of warmth and recreation, and my spirit was revitalized.

After what seemed like an eternity, I got out of the pool and ambled nonchalantly down the polished stone pathway towards a restaurant. The path lined the main walkway throughout the resort. Surrounding the path were meticulously trimmed viridescent bushes and vividly-colored blossoms. A sweet fragrance emanated from the flowers, permeating the warm air.

The restaurant was shaded by a massive and stretched fabric with an umbrella-like shape, like a giant shield for sunlight. The walls were non-existent, so it made the restaurant environment immersive with the outdoors. The floor and seats were immaculate. A mere few people were present, which allowed the atmosphere to be serene and devoid of boisterous energy. I skimmed the display boards filled with cursive texts of a wide array of food and drinks. I ordered a 'Sex on the Beach' cocktail. It was blended with a medley of fine ingredients which entangled and intertwined into a concentrated ball of flavor that exploded in my mouth and raptured every inch of my tongue.

Feeling incredibly content, I held my cocktail and took a stroll down to the beach. A row of towering coconut trees stood proudly. The Sun began to dip into the distant horizon and an orange blanket was spread across the sky magnificently. The scenery of the ocean reflecting the orange luminescence was truly an unfathomable sight to behold, accompanied by the mellifluous chirps of tropical birds.

Occasionally taking a savory sip of my cocktail, I continued to stroll along the long stretch of beach while small waves battered against the shore rhythmically and the silky sand massaged my bare feet. Indulging in an enjoyable recollection of past events in my life, I gave a beaming smile towards the setting Sun and it smiled back.

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