Chapter 5

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"Sophie, are you okay?"uttered Nathaniel clearly perturbed.

"Did that crash sound okay to you, Nathaniel?" a bawling Josh replied.

Kitty shoved Josh off and knocked on the locked door.

"Knock, Knock, who's there? Soph, we heard a crash. You okay there gurl? Tryna make us scared? Don't give the boys a heart attack girlie. Open the door, it's locked from the inside. We'll just talk to sons ghosts ans spirits and then go home, 'kay?" said Kitty easily.

"How are you so damn about it?!" exclaimed Josh.

"Maybe my min is just more organized than you." said Kitty jeeringly. "Remember that quote which Dumbledore said?

Nathaniel's eye twinkled with desperation. "Yeah, we need to keep our cool." Nathaniel then questioned himself, how can he calm Josh down, if he can't calm himself from inside. His face grew forlorn as he said ,"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times if one only remember to turn on the-" he was cut off by Josh's humorous weeping reply.

"But where the hell is the light switch!?"

"Umm torchlights were made for a reason, Josh." said Kitty in a duh tone.

"Sod off madwoman!" hissed an enraged Josh.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! DON'T YOU DARE START AGAIN!" , Nathaniel's voice echoed through the whole library.

Nathaniel's aggressive approach surely worked in shutting them up. "For God's sake, just open this damn door and we'll go home!"

"But-" started Kitty.

"No buts Kathleen, you can stay if you want, but just know that we won't be here to accompany you." Nathaniel replied nonchalantly.

"NATH!" Kitty fumed, "I can't believe you said that."

Josh's breathy voice cut them off, "Sophie is more important than your futile quarrel, so shut up and open this door."

"What does futile mean?" Kitty asked, her Swedish accent becoming more prominent.

"I don't get paid enough for this, I don't get paid at all."

"This isn't time for disagreements."  Nathaniel's sick voice cut them off.

"Exactly!" , they both said in sync. "Hey, stop copying me!" "No you're copying me"


An amusing giggle escaped Nathaniel's lips.

Kitty and Josh stared at Nathaniel, genuinely surprised at how quickly he pulled himself together.

"You guys are a barrel of laugh."

"What's that?" Kitty asked.

"Oh Kat, go buy a brain!" Josh said dramatically.

"I heard that!"

"You were supposed to."

"Dumbledore was right, wasn't he?" Nathaniel said giving an ephemeral smile.

"Yeah, now let's stop the jokes and utilise all of our astute brains to open this door." Josh said humourously

"Can you guys stop using those difficult words?" Kitty said fatigued.

"I was just jesting." said Josh barely containing his laughter.

Nathaniel quickly stepped in between them and told them to cut it off. "The door is locked from the inside so we can't open it from the outside, but we can break it down. But how do we do that?"

"I think tosser Kitty has a brilliant plan ready." Josh said jeeringly.

"What is tosser and why would I have a plan ready?" Kitty demanded.

"Isn't Kathleen Linnea ready for everything? At least you said so yesterday."

"Josh, you're wonky. Kitty didn't knew what was coming up today." Nathaniel said looking sidelong at Kitty.

"Are you still supporting that wonker, Nat?" Josh whined.

"Blimey Josh! Stop whining! At least Kitty isn't a Skive as you. Now we need something to break this door."

"In the moment that Josh doesn't interrupt, I think I can break down the door." Kitty looked pretty confident about the statement.

Nathaniel could see a how can you possibly do that expression on Josh's face. He whispered to Josh not to disrupt Kitty and let her try at least. Josh gave Nathaniel a look, reminding how much of a wet blanket Josh was. Nathaniel acknowledged how meticulously Kitty was staring at the door, as if it was a 'What's the difference' memory test. "I agree with you at a point Nat, but. . ." Josh whispered. "Hush." Nathaniel mumbled.

Nathaniel noticed that Kitty was examining the door frame and material. "It's made from wood! We can kick it down."

"Well duh" Josh grumbled. "It's an interior door, pretty easy to kick down."

"No hinges." Kitty said as if there was no interruption. "The door being designed this way is pretty suspicious if you ask me."

"But wouldn't it be easier?" Josh enquired , "An interior designed door with no hinges, kicking it down would be a piece of cake!"

"Yeah." Kitty said , "But why would someone design a library door that way?" Kitty said tightly.

"Why do that matter?" asked Nathaniel , "Breaking this thing down is as easy as a pie. Why should we worry about that?"

"No, it's just-"

"Curiousity killed the cat." Josh quoted.

"Come on, we'll not have a cat in hell's chance if we're not curious!"

Nathaniel was a bit surprised with Kitty's response, not the sentence itself, but the English idiom she used. As far as their squad knew, Kitty never really used idioms or tough English words. She's Swedish, what can you expect right? "Are you guys ailurophile or something?"

"What?" Kitty asked looking puzzled.

"Just making sure." Nathaniel said with a smile.

"What are you making sure of?"

"That considering you don't really have an old hand in English, using an idiom is kind of eye catchy."

"How is does that relate to Ailurophile? It literally means cat lover." Josh asked.

"Okay, let's stop acting like airheads and break this door already!"

Kitty nodded and hurled a kick at the door frame. To Nathaniel's surprise, the door was as frail as Kitty had described. Or Kitty might just be really forceful.

"Maybe I can help?" Josh offered lazily.

"No need." Kitty retorted with certainty.

Kitty kicked again and this time it worked.

"I'm sure your skeletal self couldn't do that, Josh." Nathaniel whispered, a Cheshire cat grin forming on his lips.

"Yoy think your lanky self could do any better!" Josh retorted loud enough for Kitty to hear.

"Let's get inside." Kitty commanded.

"That was neat." Nathaniel commented before stepping in.

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