Chapter 1

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"So at Sophie's place?", placing a cheshire cat grin on her face, she leaned back even further in her chair.

"Oh I don't think my mum and dad will agree."

"Oh Sophie", sighed Josh, "Don't be such killjoy." he waved a dissmisive hand in the air, his admirable calm green eyes --which doesn't match his expression-- reflecting the light at their 7 o'clock.

Four friends in their teens, were discussing at a table during lunch break.

"Kitty, I really don't think my parents would allow", said Sophie.

"Ever since you have been made the head student of our class, you have lost all the fun.", said Josh, scrunching his nose that makes his freckles stand out.

"Wrong'', Kitty breathed. "Completely and utterly wrong, she was never 'adventure- friendly' even before she became a class- monitor."

"Kitty, Josh, here in Britain we prefer the term prefect."

There you have it, the chaotic four.

Sophia Miller

Joshua Smith

Nathaniel Jackson

Kathleen Linnea

Aaaaaand the one and only narrator
Me, myself and I.


Okay, two narrators, but it's specifically my turn to narrate so - let's continue.

Have you forgotten? This is not how you narrate, you need to focus on the characters, not yourself -

But the readers need to know about the narrators! Come on, we only come up when the dear authors decide to write in third person perspective.

We ARE the dear authors.

Oops, anyways, let's continue.

"Guys the exams are next week!", said Sophie shuffling some papers in Nath's face. "I'm not finished with the syllabus yet"

"Well I haven't even started", Kitty snorted out.

"I'm halfway through -"

"THERE'S AN EXAM NEXT WEEK?!?!", Josh shouted making students glance at them," WHY??? Why didn't - why - why didn't anybody tell me? "

That, my friends, is not the real Josh, it's his I-hate-life side.

Sophie sighed and shook her head, biting her lower lip to hide her smile.

"Oh boy" Kitty said before laughing hysterically.
Nath joins in.
Sophie can't hide her laugh anymore.
Poor Josh.

"Don't worry, meet me at the library after school, I'll tutor you. " Sophie smiled, " We'll finish the syllabus just in time. But- you need to hurry up a bit."

Josh sighed, before nodding. Skipping those classes wasn't a good idea. "You sure? I mean, finishing the whole syllabus in a week? "

Sophie met his unassured eyes and gave his shoulder a squeeze, "Don't worry, worrying means you suffer twice."

"Yep Josh, I'll help too, even though we're same situation. " added Kitty with a confident smile.

Seeing her confidence made Josh feel better, and he went back to his usual cheerful self.

"Oh, pssst Insiyah! Insiyah! INSIYAH!! " Sophie called out to a girl they recognized.

Insiyah Yousuf

One of the very few Muslims in the school.

Insiyah said goodbye to a girl who's always clinging on her like she's a hanger and makes her way towards them.

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