3: The Aftermath

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The next day, Melissa pronounced that Theo had returned to full health, rolling her eyes yet again at the speed of werewolf healing, and Liam checked his phone to find several texts from his stepfather, Dr. James Geyer.

Dad: Where are you?

Dad: I called Mason's house and they said Mason's missing too, where are you guys?

Dad: Liam, I swear to god -

Dad: I called Scott's mom, Melissa, since she seems to know a lot.

Dad: She says you're at the sheriff's station, what did you do?


Crap. He had totally forgotten to set up an alibi for last night's full moon. Yawning, Liam dug around in the sheriff's station lost-and-found, grabbed a shirt, and sat down next to a sleeping Alec in the sheriff's station. Nolan was wide-awake, on alert in case anything happened - probably something he should be worried about, Liam thought wearily - Mason had gone home after Theo had been brought under control, and Corey had gone home with Mason.

Liam shuddered at the thought of what those two were doing.

Liam: Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't do anything, just here to visit a friend. I know I should've texted you, I fell asleep. I'll be home soon, I promise.

"Hey, Nolan," Liam said carefully, "want to spend the night at my house?"

Nolan blinked; he sort of bounced around from Mason's house to Liam's, since he didn't have the best home life. Alec was currently staying with Scott's mom, Melissa, since Scott had gone off to college and she had a spare room.

"Thanks," Nolan began, "but I really couldn't - "

"I'm not letting you go back to your mom, Nolan."

"I need to check and make sure she's okay!" protested Nolan.

"And what about you? Every time you go back to 'check and make sure she's okay,' you come back with so many bruises you can barely walk!" Liam hissed at his friend.

"I'll text you, okay? If anything happens, I'll text you."

Liam sighed, giving up, when his stepfather stormed into the station.

"Dad!" Liam jumped. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up, considering you don't have a car, and our house is way too far for you to walk." As far as you know, Liam added silently in his head. "And on the way home, we can discuss your friend in prison."

"It was just a lockup cell!" protested Liam. "And speaking of which, can I talk to Melissa really quick?" Before his stepfather could answer, Liam was rushing over to Melissa, who was talking with Sheriff Stilinski.

"Liam," said Melissa. "I see your stepfather's here."

"Yeah," nodded Liam. "What's the status on Theo? Can he leave?"

"No, but only because he'd just go right back to his truck and freeze to death again," sighed Melissa. "At least here at the station we don't have to worry about that."

Liam bit his lip. "Does anybody have room?"

"That's just the thing, Liam," sighed Stilinski. "It's Theo - who would want him?"

Liam knew his eyes were flashing, and he took a deep breath. "Give me one second."

Dr. Geyer was tapping his foot impatiently. "Liam, we really need to go - "

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