2: Out of Control

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"What do you want to talk about?" Theo asked weakly.

"Why don't you start with where you've been since the war ended, since you left us," snapped Liam. "Oh, and why didn't you tell anybody you've been sleeping in a car?"

"Technically," Theo said, as Liam unlocked the lockup cell and walked in, sitting down beside the chimera werewolf, "it was a truck."


"I'm not one to ask for help, okay? And nobody likes me here!"

Liam sighed, recalling Theo's time corrupting Scott's pack, making Scott weak with wolfsbane. "To be fair, Theo, you did give them plenty of reason." Liam paused. "Parrish said you asked to see me."

"So?" Theo asked, curling into Liam's warmth almost subconsciously.

"So, they usually ask for Scott."

"Scott doesn't trust me. He probably never will."

"And what makes you think I will?" asked Liam, chewing on his lip.

"Because you fought with me at the hospital," sighed Theo sleepily. Liam didn't know much about hypothermia, and he knew even less about werewolves with hypothermia, but he didn't think it was a great idea for them to sleep. "You brought me back from the Skinwalkers, and you broke the sword...you're the closest thing I've had since I met the Dread Doctors, to a real friend."

"Theo, I don't think you should be falling asleep," Liam muttered. "Melissa, should he be falling asleep?" he called, hoping that she was still eavesdropping thanks to the cameras. His voice echoed around the room, and for a moment Liam thought all was lost; but then Melissa came running back in.

She slapped Theo across the face, and the nineteen-year-old groaned and lifted his head.

"Look, I get that I killed your son, but can't we move past that?" complained Theo, opening his eyes.

"Theo, you need to stay awake until your body temperature goes back to normal," Melissa insisted. "Oh, and Liam - Mason thinks you should go with Alec, since it's his first full moon without Scott. He also congratulated you on breaking Theo's nose."

"Fourth time," mumbled Theo.

"But - " Liam looked anxiously at Theo, and Melissa smiled.

"He'll be fine."

"But what if he gets out of control?"

"That's why Argent's here. He and Nolan arrived together," Melissa informed Liam. "I'd talk to Nolan on the way out."

Liam nodded. "I'll go. I'll be back, Theo, I promise. Can you make sure not to hurt Melissa?"

"Please. I have more control than you do, Liam," muttered Theo, rolling his eyes - which would have seemed nonchalant, except Liam could tell how much effort it took Theo.

"He doesn't need these handcuffs," Liam said, and without much effort broke the handcuffs holding Theo in place. "He's not dangerous."

"Noah won't be happy about that," sighed Melissa. "And Liam, are you sure? Theo's done a lot..."

"I'm sure," Liam said, his eyes flashing yellow. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Melissa, I am - I'm sorry."

"Liam, it's okay. It is," Melissa promised, now used to her son's friends flashing their eyes at her. "Go spend the full moon with your friends."

Liam nodded, and went upstairs, pausing on the way out to talk to Nolan.

"Argent told me about his daughter," explained Nolan. "He said that she was a hunter, too, but she was a good one. She was a member of Scott's pack." Nolan sounded very excited about this. "He said that if I wanted, he could teach me to be a hunter like her, fighting for the right thing."

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