7: Shocking

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"You know," Dr. Geyer said to Liam, who was sat quietly across the kitchen table from his parents, "it all makes sense now, in a way. How long have you been a werewolf, Liam?"

"Sophomore year," Liam whispered numbly. "When I broke my leg. I followed this creature, Scott says it's called a wendigo, up to the roof of the hospital. Scott was there too, trying to save me and stop the wendigo, and he couldn't hold onto me anymore - at least, not with his hands. So he bit me, and turned me into a werewolf. And then he kidnapped me - "

"I'm sorry, he kidnapped you?" Mary asked, shocked.

"He panicked," Liam shrugged. "And then he called his best friend, Stiles - "

"The sheriff's son? Oh, I just love how the law is dealt with in this town," groaned Mary.

"It wasn't their fault! And anyway, I managed to escape, and then I ran all the way to school, and then they tricked me into going to a nonexistent party that Mason accidentally made existent because I thought it was real, and that was my first full moon," Liam explained.

"So Scott bit my son, and turned him into a werewolf?" exclaimed Mary Geyer.

"Yes, but he had no choice," said Liam dully. "If he hadn't, I would have fallen off of the side of the roof of the hospital."

"And, er, give us the short rundown of what happened next?" Dr. Geyer said, placing his hand on his wife's hand to calm her down.

"Well, I became Scott's beta. Then there were berserkers, which I used to get nightmares about but don't anymore, and Kate Argent turned Scott into one of them but I managed to get him back, and Peter Hale tried to kill everybody, again. Then Theo - "

Mary's head jolted up violently; Dr. Geyer didn't look surprised that Theo had been dragged into this.

"As in, the Theo that's been staying in our house, Theo?"

"He left, but yeah," sighed Liam sadly, and Dr. Geyer sent his wife a meaningful look. Mary stopped talking.

"Anyway, Theo lied to basically everyone in the pack and then tricked me into almost killing Scott, and then when I didn't he killed Scott himself - "

"But Scott's still alive," Dr. Geyer interjected.

"Yeah, Melissa managed to bring him back because he's a true alpha."

"What the hell is a true alpha?" groaned Dr. Geyer, and for once Liam was happy to explain.

"It's when an alpha gets their powers from sheer force of will, not by killing their previous alpha. That's how Scott became an alpha - by sheer force of will. And then the Dread Doctors resurrected the Beast, which is like five hundred years old, and they used Mason's body - "

"Mason is a werewolf too?" Mary exclaimed.

"No, Mason's human."

"But you just said - " Dr. Geyer pointed out, siding with his wife.

"They only used his body, once we got the Beast out Mason became Mason again," Liam said. "And then Kira sent Theo to hell, where he was tormented by his dead sister that he killed when he was ten years old..."

"I'm sorry, what?" Dr. Geyer said, eyes widening.

"Then I brought Theo back so he could help us defeat the Ghost Riders, who were taking people from all over town and making everyone else forget all about them, and then I destroyed Kira's sword so he couldn't be sent back to hell, and he did help us. He saved my life. And then he helped us defeat the hunters, and stopped me from killing both Nolan and Gabe, because I'd been losing my temper a lot lately - you know how I get angry when I get afraid, Theo...he helped, with that. And he took Gabe's pain when Gabe was accidentally shot by a fellow hunter and was dying, and you have to actually care to take somebody else's pain, and so that made all of us see him in a different light, and he became an ally of the pack. I'm the only one who really trusts him, though."

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