Chapter Eight

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"I knew the first time we met, you'd be kinda hard to forget." -Unknown

Phoenix's POV:

Growing up, I was always in and out of school. Sometimes, my mom would lock me in my room for days, not allowing me to go anywhere. Oftentimes, I skipped school altogether because no matter how many times I tried, I always felt like the odd one out. So eventually I just gave up on trying to fit in with the other kids.

However during my time spent at home, I came to the realization that the whole idea of school was rather unnecessary and irrelevant. All the things we learnt in the classroom setting were literally on the internet, in a way more lucid format. And it was stress free without the heavy burdens of rules and annoying teachers.

I taught myself everything I needed to know through books and online research, making me more than up to par with school's syllabus.

They say idle hands are the devil's workshop. Unfortunately for me, my hands have been the devil's workshop more times than I could count so I thought maybe spending more time at school would keep me out of trouble.

The price of peace.

Today was Monday, the most awful day of them all. This particular Monday was even worse considering the fact that I had yet another detention with Hateful Brady after school.

The upside was, I finally made peace with the fact that I may never get to see Red again.

Who the fuck am I kidding?

I didn't make any sort of peace with that. At one point, it got so bad that I legitimately thought about going back to the club and asking the owner to show me the video footage so I could get one last look.

I would have looked like a stalker if I had gone and that's the only reason I didn't go. But I seriously considered it for the better part of my weekend.

Fuck. I need to get laid. IMMEDIATELY.

Anyways I threw on a black hoodie before I pulled on a pair of black sweats. Today, I was pissed, so I really didn't feel like putting any effort into my outfit.

After I got dressed, I quickly ran through the door before my father could get a chance to talk to me again, then I hopped in my car and drove to school.


The morning went by in a blur. I shouldn't have bothered attending any of my classes, because my brain hadn't registered anything the teachers were saying.

My mind couldn't seem to shake the image of Red dancing in those tight ass pants and the way her tits would bounce every time she swayed her hips to the music and those lips.

God those beautiful crimson lips.

I wanted to do so many things with those lips. So many goddamn things. I need to get my shit together.

Yes, she was the only girl that ever turned me down and yes my ego was severely wounded by her rejection. But I could also get any other girl I wanted. She was nothing special.

The bell finally rang, signaling that it was time for lunch, so I sped to the cafeteria in hopes of eating my problems away.

When I got my food, I sat at the table with Ajax and Oliver. Thank God the rest of the team wasn't there because I don't think I could have dealt with their incessant chatter.

After eating and making small talk with the others, I was ready to skip the rest of the day.

I was still pretty vexed and the more time I spent at this dump the more restless I became. To add to my already terrible day, more people started joining me at the table.

I was just about ready to head out when the cafeteria doors opened, revealing  those beautiful dark brown curls that bounced ever so slightly in a ponytail as she made her way towards the lunch line.

Seeing her before my eyes looking even more radiant than she looked last night was like taking a breath of fresh air on a warm summer day. Everything suddenly gleamed with colour and a satisfying smile was slowly etching its way on my lips.

Her head hung low as she maneuvered her way through the line as result she wasn't able to see me.

But I could definitely see her and God she was hot. Although she wasn't wearing that amazing outfit she had on last Friday, she still looked hot as hell, wearing a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her toned legs in all the right places and a simple top.

It didn't go unnoticed that Jason had his hand placed on the small of her back guiding her around and it had me wondering if she was dating him or anyone for that matter.

Everyone spoke about the football players' girlfriends but I couldn't remember ever hearing about her. But even if she was with Jason, that was not going to stop me from having my way with her.

Girls having boyfriends didn't hinder my plans before so why should it now? I was a determined man and nothing was going to stop me.

"Are you going to stop drooling or do you want me to wipe it off for you?" Ajax questioned, snapping me out of my daze.

I shifted in my seat, slightly adjusting my arousal.  "Can you shut the fuck up?" I snapped at him before rolling my eyes.

His eyes slowly followed in the direction of where I was staring before he put two and two together.

"Wait, Scarlet was the girl who ditched your horny ass on Friday?" The mockery in his tone did not go unnoticed.

I felt the anger slowly boiling within my chest. "WAIT YOU KNEW WHO SHE WAS ALL ALONG!" I whisper-yelled to him.

"Yeah, she's Lia's friend, probably if you stopped thinking with your tiny dick and started using your head, then you would have noticed her before." He stated.

I groaned, hating that he was right. Then I turned in my seat refocusing my gaze on her.

Scarlet. The name fitted her perfectly.

After Scarlet and Jason got their food, they made their way to the far end of the table and sat down. But she still hadn't noticed me.

She took her seat to the left of Jason who sat directly across from me.

I saw the way her fork shook between her trembling fingers as she played with her food. Small beads of sweat trolling down her forehead while she focused her attention on the table.

Clear signs of uneasiness.

As soon as they sat down Jason began talking about himself.

Why am I not surprised?

"Listen up everyone, I'm going to have a party at my house this weekend and everyone is invited." He declared as he stood on the table before the entire cafeteria erupted with noise. Everyone acknowledged him except her as she continued twirling the fork in hands.

"Scarlet are you coming?" he asked, settling in his seat.

"Um.." She choked on her words.

So I took the opportunity to finally get her attention. "You should come, and maybe you could make some noise," I said confidently, hinting at our conversation from the other night. Placing my elbows on the table, I positioned myself to get a better look at her.

Scarlet sat motionless in her seat, dropping the fork onto the table before she slowly turned her head towards me. Her cheeks alight with red, making her look extremely flushed.

"I'll think about it but thank you for the invitation," she muttered so softly that I almost missed it.

She then turned to Jason. "I have to go but thanks for lunch." Scarlet spoke quickly while she hurriedly gathered her things before, sprinting through the doors of the cafeteria.

There was no way in hell that I was just going to let her go, just like that.

Not after I spent my whole weekend thinking about her.

So I hurriedly stood from my seat, following her into the hallway.

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