Chapter Three

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"I am just a girl. Not the kind of woman men would like to meet. Just another girl. No one ever looks at in the street." -I am just a girl by ABBA.

Scarlet's POV:

After pulling into the school's parking lot, Lia shifted the car into park before lifting the handbrake. We hurriedly grabbed our stuff before exiting the vehicle.

As usual, all eyes, both female and male, were on Lia and she didn't even notice. Or she probably did and just didn't care. Under the scrutiny of many, she casually strutted towards the entrance while I scurried after her like lost sheep.

"Scar, don't look now but Jason at your 6 o'clock is staring right at you," She shoved me on the shoulder as we stood at the lockers.

Me being me, I immediately turned my head, looking at him.

I could practically feel her eyes through the back of my head because of how carelessly and quickly I disregarded her instructions.

I shifted back to my original position. "I think he's staring at you, Lia," I stated, giving her a small smile.

She looked at him then at me then at him again and I watched as her facial features slowly changed from hopeful to an expression of sadness.

Lia was one of those people who found happiness in relationships and sex. So it was rather fitting that she believed that was the case for others.

Day in and day out, I wore this aura of misery and despondency. It wasn't intentional but more of a default setting. So it comes as no surprise that Lia would want to make me feel better being the amazing friend she is. And in doing so, she would try and set me up with random men and boys that couldn't care less about me and more about her.

Obviously, that wouldn't have made me happier but she enjoyed trying to find a date for me and I didn't want to take that away from her. It would be like taking a bone from a dog.

"Lia, it's fine. I'm used to this by now and I have absolutely no problem with you getting all the attention because that means people don't notice me." I quickly spoke up.

I was being partially honest because I really did hate the attention. There was always this constant fear of people judging me.

However, I did find Jason attractive, probably not as much as I did in my freshman year but he was still a very good looking human.

What made me feel horrible wasn't the fact that Jason himself wouldn't see me as more than a blurry face in the shadows. But that every guy would view me as the girl no one sees.

I wasn't saying that male attention would make me happy. But it would make me feel a little special for once.

I guess I just had to live with the unfortunate reality knowing that guys like him would never show interest in a girl like me

Her lips curled into a soft smile before her hands gripped both of mine in a tight grasp while maintaining eye contact.

"Scar, I just want you to be happy and maybe live a little. Find someone who will give you joy," She admitted.

"I love that you care but I'm fine," I whispered, throwing my arms around her neck and pulling her into a warm embrace.

After we broke away from the hug, she flashed me a tight-lipped smile.

Diverting her gaze to everything but me she rubbed her hands together nervously. A clear sign that she was itching to say something.

I groaned in annoyance.

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