Sleep over

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A/n hey I just wanna clear up some stuff that might be a bit confused for you guys! Y/n and Ranboo share the same clothes because Y/n is 8'0 and Ranboo is 8'5! And the more Y/n talks with humans the better her English is, and Ranboo and tubbo aren't married bc I don't wanna break tubbos heart</3 micheal is still there though! thank y'all for the support<3 y'all are popping off!

3rd POV
"Cmonn Ranboo, we are gonna be lateee" Y/n was waiting for Ranboo, they where going to go to snowchester,

"I'm here I'm here, cmon let's go, we are gonna take a bit to go there" they walked to the nether portal to go to snowchester

Time skip bc I don't know how to make convos<3

"Hey tubbo and Tommy!" Y/n and Ranboo yelled as they saw tubbo and Tommy talking to each other, " hey Ranboo and Y/n" Tubbo yelled back

" HELLO RANBOO MA FRIENDDD AND WOMANNN" Y/n sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, " Tommy, the 'woman' has a name" Y/n said rolling her eyes playfully

"I'm still calling you woman" Tommy said with a grin and crossed his arms " I swear If you say it again I'm gonna beat you up"

Y/n gave a playful glare to Tommy, as tubbo and Ranboo giggled, " I'm a bigman! You can't beat me up woman" Y/n teleported closer to Tommy, having a hight advantage, She looked down to the blonde boy

" I'm giving you 3 seconds to run.. 1... 2..." tommy ran away as fast as he can, forgetting that Y/n could just teleport, "3!!!" Y/n teleported infront of tommy, and tackled him to the floor

Ranboo and tubbo bursted out laughing, it was a funny sight to see, eventually Ranboo took Y/n away from tommy, " ranbooooo let me gooooo" she whined " no your gonna actually hurt him by accident" Ranboo giggled

" I think you forgot one think Ranboo" Ranboo looked at her confused " what is it?" "This" she teleported away, now her holding Ranboo

"Y/n we are both enderman, we both can teleport" Ranboo giggled and teleporting out of her grasp, "well- shit" Ranboo laughed


As Ranboo was holding Y/n, tubbo went to help up Tommy " did you forget she could teleport" Tubbo laughed "yes.." Tommy mumbled as they walked inside the spruce house,

Then Y/n and Ranboo walked in laughing, they all sat down to talk about the most randomness things, then they went to play truth or dare, and Tommy started

"Okay tubbo truth or dare" Tubbo pondered a bit thinking of an answer "uhh.. dare?" Tommy gave and mischievous grin "I dare you to mix up potions and drink them"

Tubbo didn't really like the taste of potions, but he took 4 potions that don't harm him and mixed them and drank them, he hated the taste, he almost puked, now it was tubbos turn to pick

"Y/n truth or dare?" Y/n didn't want to pick either, if she picked truth then Tommy would call her a pussy, and if she picked dare it might be something bad, " dare" Tubbo thought for a second then had a pick smile on his face

"I dare you to jump of the house and teleport onto the ground" Y/n nodded and teleported upstairs, while everyone was outside, this wouldn't be the first time Y/n has done this, she had done this in the end multiple of times

Y/n jumped and before she could hit the ground she teleported, but she teleported behind all of them, they got confused of where she went "BOO!" They jumped

Y/n started laughing and all of them joined her too, they went back inside, now it was Y/n's turn

"Ranboo, truth or dare" Ranboo thought for a second "dare" Y/n smirked already knowing the dare, " I dare you to hold a ender mite without throwing it" Ranboos eyes widened,

Ranboo had a fear of ender mites, enderman would usually attack them, but Ranboo was scared of them, Y/n on the other hand loved them, they where small creatures that come from an ender pearl,

You can spawn them by cracking the ender pearl, and how do you crack the ender pearl you ask? Well enderman could be the only ones who break a ender pearl,

They could also spawn by using a pearl but that's a small chance, Y/n got a pearl and cracked it, a small ender mite crawled out as Ranboo backed up from it "Ranboo there not gonna kill you, there harmless"
Y/n walked up to Ranboo with the ender mite

Ranboo held his hands out, scared of the small creature, the ender mite crawled onto his hands and Ranboo squealed, tubbo, Tommy and Y/n laughed at Ranboos squeal

Ranboo slowly moved his hands as the small creature crawled on his hand, Ranboo gave a small smile seeing the small creature wandering on his hand "do you like them?" Y/n asked and Ranboo nodded

"we can keep them as a pet, give them a gender fluid name" (A/n sorry to ruin the story but gimme Some names in the comments! Gender fluid names only!) " ill name them ________"

Time skip <3

It was getting late, Ranboo put his new pet in a glass box for now, they all decided to sleep in sleeping bags downstairs, they closed the lights and entered there sleeping bags


I tried to go sleep but I couldn't, i kept shifting around but it was to uncomfortable "Y/n..?" Ranboo whispered to me, "hey Ranboo, can't sleep either?" Ranboo nodded "wanna stargaze?" Ranboo asked as a hummed as a respond

We teleported to the roof, we sat down and looked at the stars, we tried to make random shapes with the stars, we joked around and talked for a while,

I noticed how close me and Ranboo are, I blushed a purple tint as a thought about it, we sat in a comfortable silence, I looked to Ranboo to see his gaze on me,

He looked away instantly and a tint of purple showed up on his face and ears, I giggled and went back to look at the stars,

Ranboo POV

We were in a comfortable silence, I went to look at her, she has pointy ears and green and red glowing eyes, her eyes were more vibrant than mine, she had a tint of purple lips

She's pretty.. wait no what am I thinking she's a friend of mine I snapped out of my thoughts as a saw her looking at me, I looked aways instantly,

I felt my face and ears burning, i heard her giggle here giggle is adorable.. Ranboo stop thinking about this she a friend we stayed up on the roof but then I felt a head on my shoulder

It was Y/n, she was asleep, I blushed a bit and put my arm around her.

A/n :))) love the fluf<3 I think that's what it's called, anyways thank y'all for the support! Literally I had like 105 veiws then I refreshed and had 110! Thank y'all For the support! Go eat something and drink some thing! Love you<3

Not proof read bc I want to sleep-

My Endy&lt;3 RanbooXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now