What am i?..

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We reached to his house and he sat me down on a bed, "are you hungry?" I just nodded and he left me to get some food,

He came back with soup, but it wasn't chorus fruit soup, it was a orange soup, " here, this is pumpkin soup" I took the soup and tasted it, it tasted oddly good, Ranboo went to right something down on a book that had 'do not read' on it,

" Ranboo? What is that book you have?"
"Oh- uhm.. i have memory problems.. so i write down everything here.." I hummed in response and continued drinking the soup,

Time skip<3
"Now say 'hey my name is Y/n'" Ranboo was trying to teach me English, " h-hey my name is Y/n" a smile grew on Ranboos face when I said that, I kept repeating it so I could get used to talking in a different language,

Ranboo has been teaching me English for the past 2 hours, I know more about it but need more practice, it was now dark with small dots in the sky like the end, I hear Ranboo yawn and lay down on the bed,

"Hey y/n, you should go sleep, there is a bed downstairs" Ranboo stretched while got more comfortable in the bed, I didn't really need sleep, I could sleep for a hour and have the same amount of energy as having a 8 hour nap,

I kept getting closer to the window, the night sky looked very pretty.

Ranboo's POV
I was a bit tired but I saw y/n looking threw the window, the moonlight hitting her directly, " are you not tired?" She shook her head, " no not really, I don't really need sleep, I can have a hour of sleep and i'll be fine" she said while still looking out the window, " if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" She slowly looked at me with a bit of a confused expression

" I thought you knew? Where from the same place after all" same place..? What does she mean by that? I had so many questions running threw my head "what do you mean? S-sorry uhm I already told you but I have horrible time remembering stuff"

She turned back to the window staying quiet for a few seconds before she said anything, " I'm from the end, it's always dark with stars in the sky, with chorus fruit trees there, but I'm a farlander, which is why I'm a different color then the enderman and why I have different color of eyes, you are one to, well I'm guessing haft enderman and haft farlander"

My eyes widen and went to pick up my memory book and started writing down everything she told me, my eyes where glued to the paper writing really quickly, I close the book after writing it down, I was still processing everything she told me.


A/n Hello!!! I hope you enjoyed this one :] I really like making lore so yeah :D that's all bye bye <3

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