The Smp

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Ranboos POV
I woke up and saw a sunrise, but I didn't see y/n in the chair, I went downstairs but no Y/n, I started to panic a bit, I went down to the basement but she was no where,

I ran back upstairs and started pacing around my room, where is she? Did she run away? Was she scared of me? Did I do something wrong? I kept whispering to my self "Ranboo?"

I looked at her and relief and Frustration washed over me " where. Were. You." I demanded her, she seemed more panicked and fiddled with her sleeve

I didn't want to look up at him, I knew that sneaking out was a bad idea " uhm.. well.. I wanted to see what's out there, so I just went, I met someone too"

I told him the truth, still looking down, I kept fiddling with my sleeve waiting for him to answer, "who did you see" he said with still a serious but curious tone,

" Tubbo.. he had goat ears and horn's" he sighed in relief and went closer too me " look I'm fine with you going out but please tell me, and be carful with who you meet, there are.. not so many good people around there.."

He walked past me to go downstairs guessing to make some food, I went and sat on the bed, tired, I laid down I slept.

Ranboos POV
I went downstairs to make some breakfast, I made some eggs for Y/n and me, I went upstairs to tell Y/n that breakfast was ready but she was fast asleep, she looks so peaceful, and..

I shook away my thoughts and went to go eat, I put her food in the furnace so it stayed warm, I wrote I little note for her that there is food in the furnace, I left to see tubbo and Tommy.

I woke up guessing a hour later because it was still bright outside, I went downstairs to see a note

( the writing is all in enderman, btw y/n can understand English but can't read or talk English!)

Y/n there is food in the furnace, it should be warm, where the gloves do you don't burn yourself!
- Ranboo

I smiled at the note and took out the food, i ate the food and went out back to the portal to explore more, not listening what Ranboo told me, while I was leaving, I felt a sharp object on my neck,

" who are you, and what are you doing in Ranboos house." A Monotone voice said, I teleported out of his grasp by instinct, and looked at the man that had the sharp weapon,

He had pink hair with pink tinted skin, he had a skull mask and was wearing a white button up shirt tucked In black tight pants, with a red cloak over the whole outfit,

" uhm.. I'm Y/n.. I'm Ranboos friend.." I muttered in almost a whisper " and how do I know your not lying?" I didn't have anything to prove myself, I was a bit panicked

" techno leave her alone" I looked up to see Phil, I was relieved that he came in on the right time " who is this phil" the pink haired man said, guessing his name is techno

"Ranboo took them in because I told him that they looked like the other haft of him, shes fine techno, if she hurts anyone we can kill her" kill me? I just stayed quiet

" Y/n, why are you out here anyways?" Phil asked " w-well I was going to explore a bit.." phil nodded and told me good bye and left me to explore

Ranboo POV
"Tommy give me my pickaxe back!!" I was chasing Tommy with Tubbo following behind because he stole my pickaxe, he stopped in his tracks, I almost bumped into him from the sudden stop,

"WHO ARE YOU?!!" Tommy yelled, I followed his gaze to see y/n, she seemed startled from the yelling " Tommy, that's Y/n" Tommy looked over to me with wide eye expression

" YOU KNOW THE WOMAN??" Y/n teleported closer to the group to say hi, "uhm.. hi im Y/n.." she seemed very shy, a complete opposite from Tommy

" oh you are the ender I met! Hi again!!" Tubbo said, waving to Y/n, Y/n waved back " now I feel like im left out" Tommy pouted, and we started giggling

3rd person POV
They all walked around the dream smp, showing Y/n around, they also met other people like, nihachu, foolish, ponk, asamdude, captain puffy and eret,
They all got along well,

They all got to know Each other better, Y/n had a tail like ranboos but it was white, Tommy had raccoon ears that he could remove at anytime he wants, same thing with tubbo but his horns

It was getting late so Ranboo and Y/n left tubbo and Tommy to go back home, while going back, Y/n was a bit behind and accidentally tripped on a twig, she fell face first in the snow,

Ranboo didn't know she tripped until he heard a thud and screams of an enderman, he looked back to see
Y/n covered with snow slowly melting, he pulled Y/n up but it was a bit to late, she went unconscious from all the pain

I tripped on a twig and fell on the snow, it burned very painfully, I screamed in pain and felt a arm pull me up after that everything was black...

23 views???? Pog?? <3 ily y'all!! I had a bit of writing block on this story but I managed, I don't think I'll post tomorrow, maybe after tomorrow? I'll see! Drink water, eat some food! Don't like this chapter but it's fine :D
Not proof read

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