A new beginning

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I'm going to give you a quick summary of Kageyama and Alois history.

Basically when Kageyama was younger and had lost his only family he was put up for adoption, few months later a rich family came in looking to adopt another child. The couple eyes met Kageyama's and they feel in love with him. He met Alois but he seemed to hate Kageyama, he didn't realize so he followed the older around and looked up to him. Alois was a first year in high school, played Volleyball and was a setter. Alois was an angel to his parents eyes so if he asked for something they always give it, he one day had an idea to get kageyama out. That night he stabbed his dominant hand right in front of kageyama, his scream could be heard echoing the halls and just before his parents opened the door he shoved the knife into Kageyama's hands. His parents saw this and they decided to make him live on his own and rely on no one to survive. As things were bad at hope they were just as bad at school. Alois went to a boarding school in America and that was the last time he saw him. Kageyama hated his brother and now that leads them to now.

That was their past and how they came to hate each or more like Kageyama came to hate him.

Kageyama's P.O.V

My blood was boiling with fury, I could barely hold my anger back. What was the guy that made my life a living hell come here for? From a distance I could hear my name being called but I was not in the mood to talk.

"What!" I snapped.

"I just wanted to say that your brother was going to join us for a few matches." Hinata said smiling, he genuinely looked happy.

"I don't fucking care." I was pissed no I was more than that but I couldn't describe it.

"Kageyama what's gotten into you? Is what he told us true?" Hinata asked, when I looked into his eyes it looked like he was disappointed with me and ashamed.

"What's true?" I asked with no patients.

"You stabbed him, he showed us the scar and said he couldn't play volleyball for a month and still struggled when he could." He said with concern in his voice.

"Shut up, I could fucking careless about his stupid scar or hurt hand." I said, wishing I really was the one who did that.

"Kageyama, so he was right about you being mentally unstable." He said disappointed and upset.

"Believe who you want, if you wanna believe a guy you just met rather than your own partner, then fine go a fucking head." I said.

"How could we not believe him and those innocent eyes." He said blushing.

I broke out laughing, my brother was playing every one like a checker piece, I honestly felt pity and couldn't help but laugh. He was doing it again turning my friends and team against me.

"Do what you like, I could careless what happened to him." I said turning around to face hinata with a smirk on my face.

"I wish he'd drop dead." I said walking away.

"Your acting selfish." Hinata yelled clearly angry. I just shrugged my shoulders and kept walking.

It had seemed after practice they had all went to town and spent the evening together, I curled up on the futon hurt.

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