The Result

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The last thing Kageyama remembered was being in a car. As he's waking up he keeps hearing a beeping sound, he looks beside him and see's a heart monitor, he remembers EMS showing up but after it's a complete blank, he's kicked out of his thoughts when he hears the door to his room open revealing a women.

"How are you feeling today Mr.Kageyama?" She ask with a smile.

"I feel a lot better, thank you," I said shyly.

"I'm glad to hear that, I'm Dr.Snow," she said while reaching her hand out for me to shake.

"So um, do you know why this happened to me?" I asked with a hint of worry.

I guess she picked up on it 'cause she turned around to face me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry this common, especially for Omegas," she said.

"But I'm not an Omega," I said firmly

She just smiled and handed me a piece of paper, I took it and read over it and indeed right there were it states your second gender mine was marked Omega.

"I'm really an Omega," I quietly said with disappointment.

"I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear but trust me being an Omega is not all bad," she says warmly which kinda helps, don't think I hate that I'm an Omega because I don't but being an Omega comes with it's own problems.

" was what happened to me this morning have to do with being an omega?" I asked Curiously.

"Yes, what you experienced was a pre heat, it wasn't necessarily a heat but you were presenting as an Omega," she stated.

"When can I leave?" I asked knowing I just wanted to go home and rest.

"In a few days, I wanna keep an eye on you for a few more days but your more than welcomed to have visitors," she said warmly before leaving the room to check on other patients.

I look down at the paper in my hands, "should I tell Hinata about this?" I thought before answering my own questions with a no.

A few days went by quick and now that I'm back home I feel like I should tidy the place up. I go to the storage closet and get all the clean supplies I need.

*Hours pass

I'm snapped out of my cleaning frenzy when I hear a notification from my phone, I look at my phone and it's a text from Hinata. Now that I think about it we hadn't talked all week, I read over the text he sent and turns out his test results where Alpha.

"Now I really don't wanna tell him I'm an Omega, he would totally laugh," I said out loud.

The weekend was over before I knew it I was back at school, Hinata has already told the whole team he's an Alpha, which now would make six Alphas total on the team. The bean pole as test Alpha which annoyed me.

"Hey king, stop zoning out and focus," Tsukishima said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not zoning out you stupid pole, I was thinking," I barked back.

"Both of you stop, kageyama please see me after practice," sugawara the other omega on the team said.

"Yes sir," I responded.

Practice went by slowly, Hinata kept staring at me and Eventually I just went up to him and asked what was wrong.

"Boke, what's wrong? Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked kinda annoyed.

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