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Pravin and the old man having tea.The old man continue his story.

The old man:-One of the friend of Kalaven went to Rangraj and inform his son was dead.


Kalaven's father Rangraj who was the leader of Trapaho.Hearing this his tribe gets furious.But Rangraj remain calm and who did it.He said about Pravin.So they went to Hindustan.
They went to Avneet's house.
Meanwhile,In Ceylon castle,

Upendra:-You can't marry her.The rule of royal family will break if you marry her.

Pravin:-Mother...I love her and I want to marry her.I don't care any other thing.

Upendra:-Can't you understand? You can't be a king if you marry Avneet.

Pravin:-Then in that case I will marry her and Vikrama can become king.

Upendra:-What did you learn this whole time? Don't you know what you are refusing for a girl?

Pravin:-I know....My country...But I don't have intention to be king in my childhood itself.Father again again forced me to become king because of that I don't have interest to be a king.
I just want to marry her,Mother.

Upendra:-Okay...I will do anything for you.We will discuss this with our priest.

They hugged and went to priest room.
He told that His love is in danger.So that Pravin used Telepathy to talk with her.In Avneet's house,

Avneet:-Thank you so much,Father.

Avneet's father:-I will do anything for you, darling.

Pravin telepathy started.

Pravin:-Avneet...Can you hear me.

Avneet:-Yes,Guess what my father approved our marriage..We will come soon to your country.

Pravin:-I too asked my mother and we went to priest.He said you are in danger.GET OUT from your home now.

Suddenly the house door break and ten men entered.They handcuffed Avneet and his father.

Rangraj:-Are you Jalan Sultan?

Avneet's father nods.

Rangraj:-Where is your son?

Jalan:-I don't have a son.I have only one daughter.You must be wrong leave us.

Rangraj looks at Kalaven's friend.

Kalaven's friend:-She is the one we tried to kidnap.

Rangraj understood Avneet knows something.So he threaten her.Pravin was hearing this.

Avneet:-No,...I don't know about them.Last night,I were in the bar and boozed.

Rangraj:-You are lying.Tell me or else I will kill you and your father.

Avneet panicked but still she is not telling the truth.

Pravin:-I am coming there.Tell my name... Avneet Tell my name....

Avneet:-I don't know....

Rangraj cut off Avneet's father head.

Avneet:-(cries)Father... father...

Rangraj:-Last chance or else you will be the next.

He placed his sword on her stomach.

Pravin:-Tell I am the prince of Ceylon... Please I can't live without you.Please tell them.

Avneet:-(to Pravin)I can't live betraying my love.I love you,Pravin.

Avneet:-(To Rangraj)I don't know.

Rangraj:-Wrong answer.

Rangraj stabbed Avneet's stomach.
Pravin fell down hearing Avneet's pain and cried.

Rangraj:-Take this bodies to our base and loot this house.

Minister:-We should be raiding Ceylon tomorrow.

Rangraj:-Yeah.Ask our ships to be ready.We are going to raid Ceylon tomorrow.

Pravin heard this and he shouted...

Pravin:-Come to your death,Rangraj.

Pravin inform that Avneet was dead and Trapaho tribe was coming to raid our country.They all become scared.


Pravin:-(mind voice)I think he will not finish this story today.

The old man:-Ceylon is an island.They can only come in ships.Taking it as an advantage.


Pravin:-Fire arrows.

He ordered to archers to shoot fire arrows and the ship exploded by the explosives they have.Rangraj shows the innocent people who were captives by them.Pravin doesn't care and ordered them to shoot more.
Half of the Trapaho tribe died by this.
Now the Ceylon's army doesn't have arrows and get ready to fight.Pravin and Vikrama fought well in the war but Pravin was in rage.Everyone can feel it.He came to know Rangraj challenge him for one on one.He doesn't gave mercy and chopped his body into pieces.The tribe gets feared and surrendered.Pravin shouted.


Vikrama came near and hold his shoulder.

Vikrama:-Her soul will remain peace now.You killed the one who killed your love.We saved many others from this tribe.

Kannasamy announced Pravin as king.Pravin and Vikrama gets shocked.Upendra reveal that Yesterday night Kannasamy declare that the one who kill Rangraj will become the king and as per the rules it is right so I agreed.

Pravin:-I don't want to be king.

Vikrama gave up and cheered Pravin to be a king.The people of Ceylon was not happy being Pravin as a king.Ever since known They heard Vikrama was good and Now Pravin killed many innocent in the war.So the people protest and rebel.Upendra can change
Vikrama to be a king but she didn't because to overcome Pravin's pain.
He will be busy as a king that he will forgot Avneet but what happened was
Pravin became drunk addict with his father.He doesn't regular to the court even if he come He will be in booze state.Upendra decide and called Pravin.

Upendra:-Your king title festival will be next Sunday but before that you..

Pravin:-Why isn't we have a brothel...
Every kingdom has one,right.

Upendra:-You are going for a Swayamvar with your brother to Hindustan.



Pravin:-Again..In Hindustan... What did Queen thought? He will fell in love again.Love is special.It can be blossom once for a lifetime.

The old man:-But it blossom once more for him.Queen Upendra doesn't want Pravin to be like this.

Pravin:-What did Pravin do?

The old man:-protest.


Pravin:-What did you think of me? mother.I just lost my love and you are asking me to go Swayamvar to marry another girl.

Upendra:-It's not for you.For Vikrama.
After you taking throne.He feels like a loser.If he won the swayamvar,He can become king of Hindustan.

Pravin doesn't like to go but he went for Vikrama.They went Hindustan again.Pravin feel extremely sad.His memory with Avneet came to his mind and gets even more sad.He stepped down on the chariot and saw Avneet in the place he left here.He hugged her tightly with tears in right eye.But she pulled him.

Avneet:-Sorry.Do i know you?

Both Pravin were in shock.


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