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In Nepal,At a bar,Avneet,Vikrama and Guru Kailash sitting in a table.

Vikrama:-That's alcohol.You should not drink it.

Avneet drank it.

Avneet:-I don't care..I just want to try.I want to know how it tastes.It tastes bad but doing something.I feel energetic...

Guru Kailash:-Isn't it meat...

Vikrama:-Yes,It is..

Guru Kailash throws it to dustbin and everyone looks at him weird.Pravin arrived and sat on the chair.

Pravin:-I enquiried and found he will be here soon.Our plan is simple.Pour this poison on their drink and kill them.

Guru Kailash:-It's not i want.I want to cut their heads and revenge them.

Pravin:-But it will not make him feel pain.This poison is the most powerful painful poison.It make him live in hell.There is no antidote for it.

Guru Kailash approves it and hugged him happily.

Guru Kailash:-I must be wrong about you.You are not useless afterall.

Avneet:-You found it.I too know it.He is cheating us for the whole while.He is a great..(Yawns)

She slept.

Pravin:-What happened to her?Did she drank the alcohol?(glare at Vikrama)

Vikrama:-(scared)I tried but she drank before I could stop her.

Guru Kailash:-What is she telling?

Pravin:-It's not important.I will talk with him and you accompany with me after few minutes.Vikrama mix this poison in his drink.

He handover the poison and Vikrama nods.Kalaven arrived with his friends and ordered drinks.Pravin gave signal that he is going to execute the plan.He went and sat near them and talk.

Pravin:-Hey..I heard you guys were popular here.I need a girl to be mine and for that I will pay you.

One of the friend:-Who are you? We help people we know.

Pravin:-I am Pravin.The son of merchant Jalan Sultan.


The old man:-This is one of the mistake he regrets.


The old man:-He told Avneet's father name as his father name.

Pravin:-Okay.For that.

The old man:-You will soon know.


Kalaven:-We used to kidnap so it's not hurt to do one more.Who is the girl?

Pravin point at Avneet who was slept in drunk.

Pravin:-She is the girl.She was going to be married to Prince of Ceylon but I love her and I don't want anyone to marry her so please help me to kidnap her.

Kalaven:-She was sleeping.Can't you kidnap her yourself.

Pravin:-Yes,But ...There is the guy..

Pravin point out Guru Kailash.

Pravin:-Her bodyguard...He was a warrior once.I am scared to fight with him.

Kalaven:-He is only one but we are ten.

Pravin:-Don't add me.I told you know I am scared.You take him down and I will give you extra money for that.

The drink Kalaven ordered arrived which was served by Vikrama.He winks at Pravin.

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