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Pravin a teenager went to hiking and fell down from a mountain.He was saved by a old man and He thanked him.Pravin asked who is he?
The old man told his story.

The old man:-Before starting my story.
What's your name,young man.

Pravin:-Pravin.I am Pravin Kumar.

The old man narrates his story.


Long time ago,There is a Kingdom called Ceylon.Sri Vikrama Rajasinha was born as an orphan; his father, King Rajadhi Rajasinha had died before he was born and his mother had died giving birth to him.King's brother Kannasamy and the next-in-line in the Ceylon royal family, was denied the throne, due to his cunning and deranged nature.King Brother's wife Upendra ammal, assumed power as an acting monarch, with the intention of raising both Pravin (who happenned to be her son) and Vikrama, in an equal manner, in order to appropriately select the next heir to the throne of Ceylon.


Pravin:-What? Pravin is the prince of the name.

The old man:-No,I don't want to say his name.So i am assuming you as the prince.

Pravin:-I asked you to tell about yourself.Why are you saying old stories.

The old man:-Listen up...


Both were went to hindustan for studies.They learned well.Pravin was little mature than Vikrama.Pravin always give up when Vikrama wishes anything.He treat him as his own brother even though his father objects it.Pravin didn't have any wishes in his life until he met....


Pravin:-He met who? Tell me...

The old man:-Do you have a girlfriend?

Pravin:-No,But I have a crush on a girl?A celebrity crush...

The old man:-What is her name?

Pravin:-Her name is ..... Avneet.. Avneet Kaur.


He met Avneet Kaur.His life became meaningful after seeing her.He decided She is going to be his world hereafter.One Day,In the school,There are more than 50 students but only teacher Guru Kailash,The ancestors of
Parshurama.Among all of the students
He chooses Vikrama as his favourite.
It makes Avneet jealous and Pravin happy.At evening,In an Archer training ground,

Guru Kailash:-Today your target is a eagle.


Guru Kailash:-Look at the sky,This time period,Eagle will migrate.Shoot a eagle before Sunset.The real task is You should shoot the eagle when it was flying.

Avneet:-When Flying?

Guru Kailash:-Yes, That's the challenge.The first two shooters will get additional practice in the mountain with me tomorrow.

Pravin:-Killing a eagle?

Guru Kailash:-Yes..You have to do it.

Pravin nods.The challenge started.
Vikrama saw a eagle first before.He climbed a tree and aim at the eagle but the branch of the tree broke and he slipped from there.Avneet saw him and catch him but He was little weighed that she couldn't stand in balance and fell down.Her hands on Vikrama's back.Her hands were frustrated by it.Vikrama doesn't see it and get impressed by her help.

Vikrama:-Thanks,I would have badly  hurt if you didn't save me.

Avneet:-It's okay.You are an great Archer,prince.If you would have get  hurt i will be going alone to the mountain.

Vikrama:-Do you think no one can shoot the eagle expect us?

Avneet:-Yes, That's right.Even Guru Kailash knows it.

Pravin arrived and came to know what happened here.Pravin hugs Avneet suddenly she gets shocked but doesn't pulled him.For a second,She felt something.

Pravin:-Thanks you so much for saving him.Vikrama is everything to me.

Avneet:-No need....Ahhh..

She shout at pain.Her hands frustrated started to pain.

Vikrama:-You have to head to hospital.

Avneet:-No, I have to shoot an eagle soon the sun is going to set.

Vikrama nods and left.Avneet saw Pravin.He was thinking seriously and ran.

Avneet:-Wait.... Where..are you going?

He is gone already.Avneet aim at an eagle and shoot but the arrow didn't went near to the eagle itself.

Avneet:-I have to do something.
Should try like Vikrama and shoot when in the top of the tree.I would have shoot it if I don't get hurt.

Avneet decided and try to climb a tree before that Pravin carry a doctor on his hands and stopped near her.

Pravin:-She is the patient i told you, doc.

The doctor checked and healed her but asked her to take rest for a while but she protest.Pravin took the bow and shoot an eagle within a minute.
He gave it to her.

Pravin:-Don't think it was shot by me.
I know your talent and guru too.If you have not get hurt,you would have shoot by yourself but you should take rest now.Please Accept it as gratitude for saving my younger brother.

Avneet:-I never heard this length speech from you before.

Pravin:-I know I was a man of few words but if you get close to me then you will know I am the most talkative person in the world.

Avneet came closer and picked the eagle.She kissed his hands and step out to left.

Pravin:-We don't do it in our country.

Avneet:-I gave it to you as a gratitude not for being a prince,Pravin.


Pravin:-Wow...I don't but I am having goosebumps hearing this.

The old man:-I didn't even started.

Pravin:-Carry on then...


Vikrama carefully climb the tree this time.He never repeat his mistake.He thought about Avneet and fell in love with her but sadly he was not the only one.Already Pravin fell in love with her on seeing her first time.He felt butterfly effect when he saw her but doesn't bother her.Vikrama shoots an eagle on its eyes sharply and took it to
Guru Kailash.Avneet was presented there already with the eagle which was shot by Pravin.

Guru Kailash:-Wow.... Excellent,
Vikrama.Your shot was so sharp....

Avneet:-Yes,...I can't even shoot like this.You will become greatest Archer like Arjuna in future.


Guru Kailash:-You are not also bad, Avneet.No one shot the eagle this early.

Avneet:-(Mind voice)Yes,I agree too.
Pravin was cheating on us.He is skilled but not showing his talent.

Guru Kailash:-It's getting late.Get ready tomorrow morning we are going to the mountain.

Both nods and leave...

Vikrama:-Thanks again...I owe you...

Avneet:-Not a problem.I will remember your owe.Shall we be friends?

Vikrama nods and smiled.


Pravin:-What happened in the morning? Did Avneet fall in love with Pravin or Vikrama?

The old man:-Tell you in the next chapter.(Fourth wall breaking)

Thanks for reading:-)

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