14: Admit it

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Kai POV:

After I came back home from the Salvatore boarding house I have been thinking about something.

The weird feeling I felt in my stomach when I was around Andra only intensified after the merge so I guessed that it had something to do with feelings again

I didn't think it would be appropriate to discuss that with Andra since it was literally caused by her so I had to go to someone else 

Caroline wasn't an option because she would immediately tell Andra so as much as I didn't want to I had to go to the Salvatore's


The next morning around 11am I decided to go to them 

On the way there I got a call from Andra 

"Hello?" I answered 

"Hey Kai" Andra chirped

"Hey Andra what's up?" 

"Well I-uh I need to talk to you about something so when are you free to meet up" she sounded nervous which made me nervous

"I-um I'm going somewhere right now so how about like 1 or 2 at my apartment?"

"Alright see you later then" 


She cut the line leaving me more nervous and anxious than ever 

Andra POV:

After I cut the line with Kai I look at the girls while they squeal

"You finally stopped being a chicken and asked to meet up yayy" Caroline says while I roll my eyes

"Its finally happening" Rebekah sates earning a nod from Freya and I was there being super nervous thinking of all the ways this could go downhill

"Lets pick out your outfit" Caroline says while pulling me upstairs to my bedroom

Then the girls spend all morning looking for the perfect dress while I sit there being completely scared of what Kai might say to this 

I've never been this nervous to admit my feeling for a guy before

I've had a couple of boyfriends before so this wasn't new I just couldn't figure out why Kai was different


Kai POV:

After a few minutes I arrive at the boarding house only to be greeted by Damon nearly slamming the door in my face

"Wait Damon I need your help please"

"Go to Andra or something"

"That's the problem I can't this is about her"

"I'm gonna let you in but if you pull some witchy-woo I will rip your head off" he threatens 

I go inside to see Stefan on their couch

"Ah yes the good Salvatore brother"

"Hey Kai what are you doing here?" Stefan asks

"Yeah what are you doing here"

"I need to talk about this weird thing I feel-" I start but get cut off by Damon's phone ringing

He picks it up and talks and after he's done he informs us that he's going to meet up with Elena so I should just talk to Stefan

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