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The market was busy and flourishing with people. There was food, mostly seafood, made by many different ways and also souvenirs. From basic things like magnets and mugs with photos of the coast and the resort to clothes and jewellery. Those were made with shells that were most likely found at the beach. The women, who looked like they were skilled in this area, crafted them live, sitting next to their stands and showing off to the bystanders.

Taeyong and Donghyuck walked through the main street which was the busiest, staring in awe and getting hungry just by looking at it all.

The sun was right above them, so both wore a protective sun hat to not get their faces burnt. It was hot, almost too hot.

Taeyong could feel himself sweat, and not just because of the heat. He was very nervous, glancing at Donghyuck and at his phone, looking for any updates from their friends.

"So, why are we the only ones out? Didn't the others want to go too?" Donghyuck suddenly asked, making Taeyong's heart skip a beat.

"I-I don't know," he laughed while answering. "Maybe, they're just too lazy?”

Donghyuck frowned, lips forming into a pout. “You're acting weird, is there something wrong?”

Taeyong gulped nervously, suddenly seeing a stand which interested him come into view. It was one of the biggest ones he's seen so far and their selection was wide. It all looked like charms, little bags with bows and unique designs.

“Ah, let's look at that!” Taeyong exclaimed and pointed at the stand, shifting the topic of the conversation. It seemed to work, because Donghyuck's suspicious face quickly turned into a curious one and he, like a child, started walking over to it eagerly.

As the other studied the little bags, Taeyong took it as a chance to look at his phone. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw a new message from Jaehyun. It said: “Keep him entertained for about thirty more minutes. We are almost ready.”

Taeyong mentally cursed. How is he supposed to manage to keep this up, when Donghyuck is already suspicious?

“Tae, look at this,” the soft voice of his friend made him quickly put his phone away. Donghyuck was showing him a small bag that was tied with a purple ribbon. It was clear, so you could see everything that was inside. Taeyong deducted it was some kind of herbs and lavender. “Do you think Mark will like this?”

“He's gonna like anything you give him,” Taeyong joked and also started to look through the selection. Every colour and scent you could think of, it was there. The boy was overwhelmed by choices, his eyes shifting through each bag.

“Do you need help choosing?” the lady who was the owner asked politely. She had a lovely smile and wrinkles around her eyes. You could tell she spent most of her life smiling. There was a spark in her eyes that immediately made Taeyong feel safe and not be at all nervous to talk to her.

“Which one do you recommend?” he asked.

The woman hummed. “Who is it for? A family member or a lover?”

Jaehyun. That was the first person that came to his mind. He must have become seemingly flustered, because she laughed whole-heartedly. “Someone you like very much came to your mind, right? Well, I recommend some of these, then.”

She pointed at the left side of her collection. There were mostly red and pink bags which were half see-through, so it was visible that there were dried rose petals and some kind of small flowers also. It had a charm in the shape of a heart attached to the silky red ribbon that was tied to it.

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