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"Taeyong! Go to the back and bring some more soju bottles, we've run out!"

It shook with Taeyong as he heard his boss's voice from one of isles of the convenience store. Until now he was laying on the counter since they didn't have any customers, day-dreaming about today's events.

He was still bitter and his mood was down as well as his energy. His legs moved slow once he finally stood up and walked to the door of the storage.

He turned on the lights and began looking for the right kind of bottles in the mess that the room was. There were so many kinds of juice, beer and other alcohol that it was hard to spot the green bottle he was very familiar with.

He would suit some alcohol at the moment. Get the heat into his body and make his mind loosen up for a moment. He had already been stressed and the encounter with Jaehyun made everything worse.

Jaehyun was the last person Taeyong wanted to meet. After such a betrayal he had brought to him, he hoped to never see that face ever again. The face that had looked so perfect then and still looked the same earlier today. He really hasn't changed at all.

"Bingo," Taeyong whispered for himself when he finally spotted a stack of soju bottles in the far corner of the room. Just as he was about to reach the one on top, he felt buzzing in the pocket of his jeans.

With a sigh, he took out his phone and looked at the screen. It was an unknown number. Hopeful for some kind of photographer calling him, he picked up immediately.

"Hi, it's Lee Taeyong," he spoke to the phone enthusiastically.

"Taeyong? It's me, Jaehyun."

All the excitement left as quickly as it came. He groaned. "What the fuck do you want, I'm at work!"

"I wanted to ask you when does your shift at the store end?" Jaehyun said. "I want to talk."

"How do you know I work at a store? And how'd you get my number?" Taeyong asked in pure disbelief. Was Jaehyun stalking him or something?

"Uhhhh, I asked Mark..."

"I'll kill him."

Jaehyun chuckled softly. "So, when do you end? I promise I won't take long. I just want to ask something."

"I swear to god," Taeyong cursed, massaging one of his temples. "Fine. About half an hour. You better be there, I'm not waiting for you."

"Don't worry! See you then."


Taeyong made some last check-ups of the store and then said bye to his boss who was also slowly preparing to leave. He put on his coat and stepped into the dark evening.

He actually forgot about the agreement and was shocked to see Jaehyun stand on the sidewalk with a nervous smile on.

"Hey... Can we go sit somewhere?" he asked shyly. Taeyong was stunned, seeing Jaehyun suddenly act this way after what's happened today.

"No. Just tell me what you want," he replied with a sigh, making sure to show how much he didn't want to be there. "I'm tired and I want to go home as soon as possible."

Jaehyun's jaw clenched, but his smile remained, though it now seemed more forced. The way his eyes wavered gave it away.

"I need a model," Jaehyun blurted out fast as though saying it would somehow hurt. "And you're perfect for it."

Taeyong's eyes widened and he suddenly got aware of his own frantic heartbeat.

"Uhm...what?" Was the only sentence he could get out of himself.

"W-well, uh," Jaehyun stuttered. "I'm in the last year of college... We're supposed to do our final project and I need a model. I wanted to ask you. Back then when you were my model, I wasn't good. But, I got much better."

"Why would I want to be your model? You're literally my ex," Taeyong snapped in a slight judging tone.

"It could be beneficial to you."


"My teacher has a lot of contacts and he really likes me. If you helped me with this, I could ask him to promote you to some of his friends," Jaehyun spoke while smirking after he saw the way Taeyong's eyes filled with curiosity just like a cat's eyes would. "You want that, right?"

He looked down as if deep thought, gnawing on his bottom lip.

"I'll...think about it," he said at the end. "Let me have one night to think about it."

Jaehyun nodded. "Okay. You have my number. I'll be waiting for your call."

He was about to leave when Taeyong reached out to grab his shoulder to stop him. "Wait! Why me? Couldn't you choose anyone else? Why go the extra length to ask me?"

Jaehyun laughed shortly. "I've missed photographing you."

Taeyong looked like someone punched him in the stomach. He then watched Jaehyun turn around and leave into the dark night, in complete shock.

On his way home, standing in a bus and leaning against the pole so he wouldn't fall, he kept thinking. He was so deep in thought that he didn't mind people bumping into him at all and he kept staring at one specific spot the entire time.

Everything that Jaehyun said stuck in his mind.

"I could ask him to promote you to some of his friends."

"I need a model and you're perfect for it."

"I've missed photographing you."

He shook his head and lightly hit it against the pole. It was true that it'd be beneficial to him. In fact, it might be just what he needed. A little boost of someone who has contacts in the modeling world.

Was it worth it...? Getting what he wanted, but having to spend time with Jaehyun for it?

He couldn't tell if he was able to stand being with him for long, let alone model for him, let him photograph his body.

He never cared who is taking his pictures. Even if it was someone who stared at him creepily or someone who looked like they were enjoying it too much. But, having Jaehyun do it felt wrong, after what had happened in the past.

At the end, he decided.

"It'll be just for a day, maybe two," he thought. "I'll be professional and not let my feelings get in the way. If I do it, I could become a true model. I have to try."


My Model ☆ Jaeyong & Markhyuck ✔Where stories live. Discover now