Chapter 6 - Playing with Fire

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Placing a strawberry on the final small shortcake, I step back and look at them. I made about a dozen small ones with whole strawberries on them since it's harder to tease with slices. I carefully grab the plate I put them on and bring it to the fridge, right as I hear my timer go off for the spaghetti sauce. Since I'm used to cooking a lot, I've gotten better at timing things out so I can get everything done in a perfect amount of time. When I went shopping, I ended up choosing the grocery store right next to a small thrift shop and stopped in for a bit...which turned into... an hour. But, I've done this so many times that I was able to work around it and still have almost everything done. 

I turn the timer off and stir the sauce around, determining that it's good to go. Just then, I hear the door unlock and my father yells out, "Eren! We're here!"

"Okay! I'm in the kitchen!" I yell back.

There's a bit of shuffling around, which I can only assume is them taking their coats off. Then I can hear their voices come closer and them discussing work stuff. 

Just as they enter the kitchen, I swipe a bit of sauce off the spoon and put the finger in my mouth, staring at the pot as if I'm testing the taste, even though I've made this recipe enough times that I know it's fine and this time is no different. I just wanted to start the game instead of Levi.

I look over at them and give an innocent smile, before taking my finger out. I put the spoon on the counter and tighten my apron slightly before walking over to the kitchen counter that extends into an island and leaning on it. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Ack- oops, sorry, Levi~"

I give him a playful wink and stick part of my tongue out. He returns a smile and breathes in, while subtly flexing so his muscles can be seen through his shirt. Those muscles...the ones that can pin me down so easily and-

"Mmm~ smells delicious. It also seems like a hint of breadsticks?" His voice snaps me out of my trance that could've ended with me drooling.

Before I speak, I make sure to clear my throat since I probably would have stuttered if I didn't. Seeing as I've been quite confident in front of him, Dad probably would've been able to pick up on that if I stuttered. 

"Yep!" I turn around and begin to walk to a small hook we have to put my apron on, making sure to sway my hips and slowly untie it while I talk, "They were an intended appetizer but if you want to eat them as a side, that works too!"

I slip off the apron and place it onto the hook before bopping around and smiling. "Well, dig in and I'm going to go take a shower!"

I leave the kitchen with a skip and hear my dad resume his conversation with Levi about work while asking how much he wants of everything. I take a glimpse over my shoulder and catch the raven looking at me. He gives me a small smirk and returns the playful wink I gave him earlier, but we quickly turn back to our original positions when Dad's attention returns to Levi. 

I rush up the stairs and skip into my room. Instead of loosely closing the door and having it slam like I usually do, I close it myself. Then I walk to my closet and scan my clothes, wondering what I should wear. I could do the clothes I wore to the club when I met him to extra fuck with him, but they're not really "casual-wear-around-the-house-clothes" so Dad would get upset with me.

Instead, I close my closet and walk to my dresser, looking for more casual wear. I pull out a white, slim, tank top and some light blue, loose, denim shorts. Normally, I would be wearing tight attire, but loose clothing can go a long way too. 

Holding my phone and clothes, I enter my bathroom and set the clothes on the closed toilet lid. I scroll through my music playlist, looking for a song to help me set my mood. Shuffling through them, eventually, one lands on exactly what I need. Grinning, I turn up the volume and place my phone on the edge of the sink. I pull the curtains back and start humming the melody as it gets louder.

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