Chapter 5 - Quite the Surprise

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"I know I said you weren't real but please, God, I will take it all back if you either strike me down right now or let me wake up."

My desperate plea is being asked because of the fact that I opened the door to find the man I just slept with by my father. Needless to say, we were both ready to have our jaws drop to the floor but tried our hardest to compose ourselves.

"Oh, you two haven't met, have you?" My dad looks between the two of us.

I doubt he wants the honest answer so the stranger clears his throat and re-arranges his tie. "N-no, we haven't. Who is this? A new assistant?"

My dad lets out a little chuckle. "He might as well be. No, this is my son, Eren."

While Dad turns back to me, holding out a hand as he introduces me, I can see the raven almost blinking a million per minute. I do a little wave and smile, confirming my dad's information. I can see him quietly gulp. "Ah, your...son. I didn't know you had one..."

"Yep! My one and only." 

It seems that the last sentence just plopped more anxiety on the steadily growing pile. He quickly returns to his previous state when my dad turns his body back to him, but continues to look at me. He motions to him and introduces, "Eren, this is Levi Ackerman, one of my newer coworkers."

I can see in Dad's eyes that he wants me to come over, so I close the door behind me and make my way. My heart pounds with every step I take because it's a step closer to one of us making a mistake and him finding out that we already know each other, a different context.

Once we're in front of each other, I hold my hand out. "Very nice to meet you, Mr. Ackerman."

"Please," He holds my hand and does a little thumb rub, while smiling, "Call me Levi. No need to be so formal with me."

While his tone and action stuck out like a sore thumb to me, I doubt Dad saw anything out of the ordinary. He's incredibly out of touch when it comes to body language and picking shit up. I would actually bet money that he didn't notice the touch or change in tone; just us shaking hands.

"That action really wasn't necessary but I probably shouldn't dwell on it too much. Maybe it was just a simple tease since he already knows who I am. Nothing else-"

"Also, a lovely turtleneck you have on," A smirk tugs at his lips once he says this.

"Okay, it's something else. He certainly has a silver tongue and he knows it, so he's trying to see how much he can get away with in front of Dad. Well, Levi, two can play that game!" 

I pull my hand away and place it on my hip, tilting it to the side, while I let the hand with the files dangle. "Why thank you. I quite like it myself."

"The material looks a little thick. Don't you get hot in it?" 

"Yeah, but one of the nice things about this sweater is that I can easily slip it off~" And once that last word trails out of my mouth, we seem to give each other looks of an accepted challenge. 

Now, the words were saying seem really on the nose. Most people would be able to pick up on our secret meanings and the tension between us. And my father is no idiot. He wouldn't be able to rise through the ranks if he was. So, surely, what I said earlier was a false hope of him not noticing and he now knows there is something between us. He'll ask for an explanation and scold the two of us...right?

"Well, now that we have introductions over, Eren, may I have those files now?" Dad holds his hand out and faces me with a fake smile.

Wrong. My dad has loads of book smarts but very few street smarts. He doesn't know the obvious and his lack of a sex life doesn't really help. My mom is constantly traveling for work, as an international actor, and when she is home, he's constantly working and they barely make time for a date; sex has definitely ridden its course with this relationship. If you told me that my dad was a virgin and he adopted a kid that happened to look quite a bit like him and Mom, I might actually believe you.

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