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Note (v.)

If you ever met a new man you'll love in the future, tell him that you never settle for less.

1. If he gave you assurance everytime you're overthinking, gives you comfort, spend his time with you, appreciate your whole being, appreciate your efforts, hypes you when you feel down, makes you confident in such little compliments, makes you smile and laugh with cringey and silly jokes, makes you feel safe and doesn't curse at you.

It's always okay for a man to court for years if you want to get to know him.

2. Dig deeper about yourselves. If you want to have a long term relationship, communication is the key, but it also has to have trust, care, understanding, love, and confidence.

3. Physical appearance won't last for a lifetime, maybe it'll be just a bonus point or maybe just in my opinion.

4. Never love someone while you still love your past. Never accept someone that still love his/her past. Love someone who's mentally stable and sane so you could be crazy together in private but professional in public HAHAHAHAHAHA.

It's okay to talk about your problems. But make sure you trust each other.

Ps. I am not pertaining to myself at 1. Maybe a little but nah.

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