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Imperfection (n.)

According to merriam webster, a dictionary app that I downloaded to know the meaning of some unfamiliar words, Imperfection is the quality or state or being imperfect.

Our relationship of course, just like any other relationship it's not perfect nor us. We're both torn and broken. And here I thought that I was the one who's good at art when Nyx herself made the 'broken me' into a new masterpiece. Impressive. Baka Nyx 'yan.

I trusted her the most even if our relationship was like a bliss in cold December. The rain in the middle of summer. The wasted days that I counted during the pandemic. It was unexpected, unplanned, and it happened so fast that I even questioned myself, "Can you fall in love within a week?"

But the trust isn't something you just give, even if you love someone.

I wasn't perfect for I manipulated her after we broke up. I wasn't perfect for I talked behind her back after we broke up. I wasn't perfect for I haven't introduced her to my mom when I already promised her. I wasn't even perfect that I hid all of my problem whenever she asked if I'm okay. I wasn't perfect that's why I decided to keep it myself because I don't want to be a burden to her.

I want a serious relationship with Nyx but I kept hiding things from her. Why? I don't know. Do you know? No.

And you know what? She isn't perfect but she does what I wanted to feel. She fulfilled the longing, the coldness, the void, and the love that I have never felt before. She isn't perfect but she makes me happy. She isn't perfect but she made me talk so much.

She isn't perfect. She's Nyx.

But she's not JUST Nyx, She's Nyx. A woman. A queen who deserve to be happy. A woman with sense of dignity, courage, confidence, and justice. Who wouldn't fall in love with her?

I love all the things about her but her imperfections made me fall in love with her more.

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