Chapter 82: Ellie

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"Wow, we're... really fucking close." Harper's eyes widened at how we sat less than ten feet from the player's benches while they warmed up on the field before the game against the red and white uniformed University of Montana Grizzlies. "I can reach out and grab a dick from here."

"Please don't," I groaned quietly.

"Most of them probably have herpes," Monique warned her from a few seats over. "Happy to point out which ones don't though."

"I've had more than enough fill of football players." Harper threw me a side glance. "Literally."

"So I've heard," Monique muttered quietly but loud enough Harper's head snapped in her direction. "And by Ellie's face, she got some last night."

What's wrong with my face?

At this point, a quick glance at Grace's amused smile and changing my seat so that I now sat under the stadium sounded like a pretty good idea. Right before I answered either of them, an obnoxiously loud air horn sounded behind us. The sound itself was bad enough but vibrations also rolled over my skin and all three of us, along with everyone who sat within a twenty-seat radius, jumped in our seats.


"What the fuck?" Harper first recovered after the obnoxiously brassy sound cut off, while I fingered my ears with the pads of my index fingers until the sharp after rings dissipated.

A quick look behind us showed a short, plump woman with dark skin, a slightly askew short-haired wig, and the brightest white-teethed smile framed by her full lips walked down the bleacher rows towards our seats. Her dark brown eyes gazed around the stadium while one of her hands clutched the railing tightly. The other grasped an airhorn while the largest black leather purse I'd ever seen swung from her elbow crook with each step.

"Momma Williams!" Monique chided her hopeful mother-in-law. "You can't just be firing that off for no reason."

"Lettin' my baby know I'm here," she replied and fired the horn off again.

"This is like a fucking circus," Harper muttered more to herself, then shifted her eyes sideways to her Dad, who sat in front of us but was in a deep conversation with Grace on my other side. With the way he leaned backwards in his seat while she leaned forwards, they almost looked like -


"Who Dat!" The airhorn culprit jumped up and pointed both her index fingers at number fifty-five on the field. In response, Darrius mirrored her big, toothy smile while he trotted over.

Such a Mama's boy.

"Momma Williams, please stop." Monique's eyes practically rolled out of her head. "And nobody outside Louisiana knows what Who Dat means."

"Calm your tits, Precious," Momma Williams shot back with a sharp finger point at Monique, then stood up and reached her arms out and over the railings to Darrius. Once he stepped up to the cement wall and leaned over, she planted a kiss on the outside of his helmet that left a lipstick mark. The moment, with his goofy smile, looked absolutely precious, so I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture.

At least, the moment was precious until Momma Wililams turned to Monique and added, "And speaking of tits, don't you be sending my baby any more of those nudey pictures, Lord have mercy."

"Nudes? Oh my," Grace murmured into my ear. "You don't do that, do you Ellie?"

"No," I replied quickly, although my cheeks burned from the picture of me just in Logan's jersey.

I should have him delete that.

After a murderous look from Monique at Darrius, he inhaled sharply and gripped the black metal railing tightly in both fists. "Momma, you can't be goin' through my phone like that. It's private."

I Hate Football Players 3 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now