Chapter 59: Ellie

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A/N: Mature content... again.

Once Logan and I flushed out the last emotional barriers between us, we clumsily walked and clutched each other harder as we shuffled towards the bedroom, our bedroom he reassured me. His hands tightened around my waist, then lifted me up and set me down on the bed. I reclined and, as my hands clung to his neck, pulled him down with me. His warmth, his scent, everything wrapped over me with a sense of familiarity stoked the desire that burned inside me that only he extinguished.

"I promise," he whispered into my mouth as his elbows slid close to my shoulders. "No one's been here but you... I haven't wanted anyone else."

"Logan," I whimpered as his words tugged into my chest. His lips swept against mine briefly, then his hands made quick work of the buttons on my shirt until my warm skin laid open and exposed for him. The soft strokes of his fingers over my skin stoked my desires in a painful reminder of how much I'd missed his touch, his careful attention.

After a brief surprise at the black lace I'd picked for tonight and accusation that I was a tease, Logan's lips teased me with soft, wet trails down my neck. "Just like I remember," he murmured quietly as his eyes ran approvingly over my half naked appearance before a knowing smirk crept across his mouth.

"Well, almost..." While his mouth's attention on my chest rendered my entire body deliriously happy, one of his hands reached around and quickly unstrapped my bra. I reached to remove the barrier but his hands stopped me and pulled up closer to him. He stooped his head and planted a soft kiss along my left shoulder line, until his lips reached the strap and he gently slid it down with his fingers.

Outside their constraints, my breasts sagged full and heavy and one of his hands grabbed one immediately. My nipple twitched and tingled under the circles his thumb dragged over it and my body heaved with a hot flush of arousal as his mouth made quick work on the other breast.

The soft, sensual attention as he explored and provoked one of my erogenous zones trickled arousal between my legs and I giggled at how quickly I'd responded. "You were always good at that," I admitted and giggled when he swapped sides and gave equal attention with his hand and mouth that heightened me to a sense of physical satisfaction torn with a desperation to go further.

His lips locked on mine and his tongue swept inside impatiently, as if he had the same struggle to use restraint that my body protested against. As my fingers reached around into his hair, my favorite spot when we kissed, a groan of approval rumbled in his chest. His hands left thumbs hooked into the sides of my jeans, where he paused.

"Is this okay?" He breathed raggedly into my mouth. "I want you so badly, baby but it's your call."

I didn't answer, only placed my hand over his and pushed down. He smiled wolfishly in response and carefully pulled down my jeans but left my underwear, then pressed his lips gently against both of my ankles.

"Not to state the obvious." I pressed myself up on my elbows and examined his still fully clothed state. "But the clothing ratio here is far from equal."

"Fair enough." In a flash, he stripped his T-shirt off over his head, then in one quick standing movement, bent over and removed his pants. My eyes widened and my lips parted in a possibly drooling gasp. No part of me understood how his body, which had always looked sickeningly unfairly attractive, now looked like his taut, tensed muscles were carved from stone. I swallowed lightly as my eyes dropped down to his large erection and the memory of how it felt last time.

"I want to do this slowly." The bed dipped down as he got on all fours and climbed over me. He gently brushed a kiss against my lips, but instead of the lingering kiss that I craved, he bent his head low and trailed wet kisses down my neck. "Because I want to love every inch of you Ellie."

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