Chapter 8 - Rafe

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I breathe hard, pulling my open collar away from the heat on my neck. I'm weirdly excited for my field trip today, which is a rare occurrence for me. I don't usually find myself solely zeroed in on a girl, but this girl knows how to press my buttons. She ticks me in all the wrong ways. After yesterdays affairs of tying up lose ends, in other words beating up Barry, I'm in no mood for her to test me. I need my mood to be lightened. Today is my fun day, where I get to play around with her head a bit. A little messing around won't do any harm.

The memory of those green eyes are what fuel me on for todays festivities. I wanna instill fear in them, show her who's in control. Show her that I'm the boss.

I'm sitting here with my seat reclined, at around six in the morning and patiently waiting for Lia to make an appearance. She has no idea that today she'll have the day off school. How kind of me to relieve her of such stress. It's time I show her who she's up against.

I hear a door swing open and direct my attention back on her house. As she locks the front door, I take note that there's no other cars parked outside her house. Does she live alone? I still haven't seen one of her parents. And I know damn well that Mrs. Carrera lives with Kiara on the Kooks side of the island.

Just as I suspected, Lia is heading for school. Her bag is swung over one shoulder and she climbs into her small, light blue Beetle. She pulls out of her parking space, driving off.

"Good girl." I whisper as I pull out of mine, heading after her.


I pull my car into the conveniently open spot next to hers. Quickly putting my car in park, I plaster an evil grin on my face, before swinging my car door open and making my way over to Lia's door.

I open her car door for her and she looks over at me startled. Then her facial expression transforms into one of distaste.

"What do you want?" She sasses.

"You don't have school today." I shrug, "You're welcome by the way."

She raises out of her seat and looks around at all the other cars and students puzzled.

"Yes I do," She protests, "now move out of my way." She shoves her shoulder into mine and she passes me. I grab her wrist.

"I'm afraid this is something you can't refuse. You're coming with me and it's final. So sit your pretty little ass in my passenger seat."

She attempts to pull her wrist free, but fails miserably.

"Or what? You'll make me?" She rolls her eyes.

That's what set's me off, that damn eye roll. I tackle her, throwing her over my shoulder.

She lets out a yelp and starts elbowing my back.

"Put me down, you fucking psycho!" She shrieks and people begin to stare. Too bad for her, they all know who I am and not to mess with me. Poor little Lia doesn't stand a chance. No ones gonna help her.

Yanking my car door open, I throw her in the back seat of my black Range Rover. I then slam it shut, making sure to close it quickly before her hand or legs get in the way. While walking to my seat, I watch her through the window as she starts to fumble with the handles, trying to get free. It's then when she realises I put the doors on child-lock.

"Let me out! I already said I wouldn't tell anyone!" Lia yelled and banged on the windows.

It's not kidnapping if she's not a kid anymore is it? Oh well. I smirk at that. She's stuck with me.

I climb inside of the drivers seat in a calm manner, like this is an everyday occurrence, and I'm about to put on my seat belt when I here a crash.

Lia had made her one last attempt and kicked the back door window out of my car. It shattered all over the pavement. Heat spills from my vain as my blood boils. Turning back to her, I look her dead in the eyes and growl, "I really wish you didn't do that."


Lia lays in the backseat now tied up and gagged. I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but still came prepared. Her arms are tied to her feet behind her back and she's laying on her side in what looks like a very uncomfortable position. I keep an eye on her by constantly checking the review mirror.

I couldn't have her talking to anyone at school about the past days events and I don't know if she can be trusted just yet. If she had just come voluntarily, we could have started off the day on a better foot. But now... now this is the only way. The girl is unpredictable, I don't have the choice but to scare her, threaten her, make sure she keeps her mouth shut.

I've tried again and again to be like my father. To stop anyone that gets in the way. If he knew there was a witness walking about, he'd want her dead. I always do as I'm told by him, but come out on the short end of the stick. I can't kill her, it would be soul wrenching. Killing someone isn't easy, it messes you up. Makes your head spin with dark thoughts. It eats you alive and is the reason why I haven't been successful in finishing the job since.

There isn't anything I'd rather be doing today than seeking the pleasure of seeing fear in this girls eyes. I like to see her vulnerable, but she continues to always defy me and stand strong. It's a challenge I'll enjoy. I'll break her, it's just a matter of when. I just need to figure her all out, study her, know her better than she knows herself. My little side project to distract me from all the stress of my family. Lia will be my new hobby, a light in this dark present that I look forward to.

Okay, it's starting to get boring in this car sitting in my head. Now might be the perfect time to start my interrogation with her. When I reach a red light, I untie her gag.

"Why was Kiara's mom at your house last night?" I yawned, then look over at her.

She pinches her brows together in question, then glares at me. "You were watching me."

"I asked first." I insist.

"It wasn't a question." She retorted.

"How about this, if you answer my questions, I'll answer yours. Deal?" I compromise.

She hesitates, "Deal..."

The light turns green, so I set my eyes back on the road.

"Kiara is my cousin, making her mom my aunt. She was my moms sister-"

"Was?" I question, creasing my forehead.

Sighing, Lia continues, "After my mother died, my aunt stepped in. It's been a year since she passed." She takes a breath before changing the subject, "My turn, who killed that man?"

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