Chapter 1 - Lia

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My cousin Kiara is always out and about, whether on some adventure with her group of friends or at a party. I've asked time and time again if I could join them, but she would brush me off. Even when party invitations were being rolled around, I'd consider going, but get talked out of it by Ki. She'd say something along the lines of, "Trust me, it just wouldn't be your scene, we're Pogues. You should be grateful my mom doesn't force you to participate like she does with me." Kiara told me she didn't enjoy being around the Kook crowd and eventually she stopped going all together. But I can't help but feel left out. Even if she didn't enjoy the Kook lifestyle, I still wanted a little taste.

The cool night air and the smell of wet pavement fill my car. I spent the afternoon in the library finishing a history essay. I actually finished it hours ago, but decided to hang around longer to avoid going home to the wicked witch of the west. Or should I say North? Considering the she devil actually lives on the North side of the island. Kiara's mom is my Aunt Anna, she was my moms older sister. While my mom had blonde hair, aunt Anna has brown. Lucky for me, I inherited the blonde. After my mother died, my aunt stepped in. I don't blame her for stepping up to the table considering my father hardly being around, but you'd think she'd have patience for her grieving niece. Nope, the woman tries to act like she's my new mother. She thinks I lack the proper guidance I would get from a motherly figure. As if I hadn't had one for the last 17 years if my life. It's been a year since she passed, making me 18 years old now. It's big boy prison from here on, JJ would joke. He's another one of Kiara's childhood friends.
Aunt Anna torments me about sending me away if I don't keep up with good grades. Yes I flunked when my mother died, but that should be expected. I managed to get back on track this year on my own. No thanks to the weight she puts on my shoulders and her threats. This year was supposed to be the year I make closer friends, the year of parties and adventures. I'm old enough to make my own decisions, I shouldn't be held down by an aunt who doesn't really know me or my capabilities. If I want to attend a party, I will. From this day on I will not spend another one of my Saturday afternoons cooped up in a Library. I'm fed up. It's my senior year, the final year of high school and it's about time I enjoy it.

That's what bring me the present situation I'm in. Every Saturday there's a party on this side of the island, I just needed to find it. Anything not to go home and slip back into a routine.

I look out of my car window as I drive through town, every store is locked up now. The only doors still open are the one that lead to the breeding dens of alcoholics and drug addicts. I will avoid those bars and clubs for as long as I live. I refuse to become like my father, a recovering cocaine addict. I can't stand the fact that people get themselves into such harmful substances. My dad's been in and out of rehab for it for months now. He turned to the drug to cope with the stress of my mother dying. It's the worst road a person can take. I've had to watch him struggle through withdrawals and go bat shit crazy breaking things in our home. Once he started to get physical with me I was done. I decided to call the police and he's now getting the help he truly needs. 

A black Range Rover catches my attention as I'm about to turn left at a stop sign. Rafe Cameron is driving and heading in the opposite direction I was going to turn. Without even thinking I pull in behind him, following him. If Rafe Cameron isn't throwing a party, he's going to one. For that reason, following him is the perfect plan. Finally, I'll understand the hype of getting tipsy and doing dumb things with friends. Kiara always told me to stay no less than a ten mile radius from Rafe Cameron, but she's probably just saying that because of their past. Besides, I'm not going to be around him, there are plenty of other people at parties I can surround myself with.

I keep a good distance behind Rafe just incase. I don't wanna wind up being labeled a stalker at school. The last thing I need is to be bullied like I was freshman year. This year is different, my braces are a thing of the past, my hair finally reaches my hips and I'm quite proud of the curves that I've grown into. I may not be top model material, but I see the way people look at me now versus then. I've grown up to be as pretty as my mom once was. I grin at the idea of her seeing me now.

I pull over after Rafe takes a turn down a strange road, that leads deep into the forest. I contemplate whether to follow him further. I know there's nothing down there besides marsh and the historic church built by Denmark Tanny. I don't understand. Why would the Kooks throw a party in such a weird, disclosed location. They live in some of the most luxurious mansions on the island.

One time Kiara told me about the church, she'd been to it with her friends. I enquired why she was there and she told me she was looking for something, but didn't specify. The whole thing was fishy. Could it be that she was just covering the fact that she was going to another Kook party without me?

Letting out a sigh, I continue down the road Rafe took. The full moon shines through the tree tops and lights up the entire path. I turn off my headlights to avoid anyone seeing me arrive, incase I decide to back out. Up ahead I notice Rafe's car parked in the middle of the path. What on earth is he doing? Did his car get stuck? I stop my car a good distance away. The good citizen in me urges me to go and help him, while my gut screams at me this is how people get themselves killed in horror movies. Oh come on gut, this is the Outer Banks, nothing bad happens here. I'm just gonna see if he needs any help. Maybe this way I can be welcome at the Kooks party.

If I'm going to be stupid enough to do this, the least I can do is keep my presence unknown until I know I'm safe. I put my car in park and decide to leave it running just incase I need to pull a Usain Bolt and scurry out of here. I remain quiet as I sneak up to Rafes car. I touch my hand to the cool metal and graze my fingers along as I move towards the front of the car. I make out the side of Rafes head and take another step forward so I'm now standing in front of the hood of his car. That's when I wish I had just stayed in my car. I feel my heart skip a beat and chills breakout over my entire body. I'm able to make out what he's doing with no mistake. Rafe is holding the wrist of an unconscious man and dragging him towards the marsh. Wait... is he... dead?
I involuntarily suck in breath. This is supposed to be the part where I feel my flight or fight instincts kicking in, but I'm stuck in fright. Run Lia! I yell at myself internally, but I'm frozen. Rafe whips around and locks eyes with me. Time freezes for a second and I can't breath. The second is over when I see him drop the arms of the man and he stands up to his full height of about six feet, two inches.

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