Chapter 7: Guess We're Stuck, You and I

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Author's Note: This is a shorter chapter and the events are kind of different from how they are in the show, so again, just giving you guys a heads up on that. There is a lot of plot explaining (or jumping, in this case).

Overview: After Negan's visits to Alexandria end in disaster, all of your groups make their attack on the Sanctuary. What happens when you and Negan end up stuck in the same container...?

You were sitting on Rick's porch with your knees up to your chest, frozen in place. The pool table you had told Negan about was left out in the street, the cues still remaining on the green cloth. You could see the blood trail making a river down the side of the street and into the gutter.

Unable to fight it, your eyes kept peering up at Spencer's disembowelled body lying on the street at the end of the pool table; his insides dressed the pavement. Rick had put him down when he turned and you were all left in shock as the Saviours returned to the Sanctuary.

Negan had one of his people cut Rosita's face as punishment for her trying to shoot him but instead ending up hitting Lucille. Negan was furious at her; that bat was his life and you knew that he wouldn't take any shit from anyone who tried to harm it. You also were starting to notice Eugene's absence. Negan had taken him back to the Sanctuary because he found out that Eugene could make bullets from scratch.

Negan had allowed you to remain in Alexandria until he would come and collect you again. With what he had done to Spencer and Olivia... you could barely come to terms with the fact that you were attracted to the man. It had been a while since you had seen just how evil Negan could be and you knew that Rick would not let it stand.

You knew as well as everyone else that this was the beginning of a war against the Saviours. The next few days ensued the worse for your group; you found out that Sasha had killed herself to try and help your group even after death. Negan and the Saviours showed up again and were about to kill even more of your group but the Kingdom and Hilltop arrived and you all helped to push the Saviours out for good. Or so you thought.

When it went around the Sanctuary that Daryl had escaped, Negan was pissed beyond annoyance. Rick and Maggie agreed to finally get a jump on the Sanctuary, so they sent word to the Kingdom and Hilltop so that they could all unite as one against Negan. It was an all out war and you were worried for both sides; so many of your group had been killed by Negan's people but you also didn't want to see anyone else get killed, even if they were your enemy.

As all three of your groups got to work, you began to notice more and more that your groups were stronger than ever. They were working with each other to fight the greater evil and you couldn't help but feel good about it. You kept thinking about Negan, though. You hated the things he had done but you had also seen him be compassionate, something you and you alone had been able to witness.

The cars were modified with steel and metal siding to make them bullet-proof and as you all pulled up to the Sanctuary, you could feel your stomach turning. You were in the car with Rick and you thought about negotiating with him to not kill Negan but you knew that he wouldn't listen. You exited the car and hid behind one of the metal sidings to take cover. It was time.


So many gunshots had gone off in the space of a few minutes; the warning shots and then Rick had open fired on Negan while he was distracted. Your heart was pounding at the thought of him being hurt or killed. It was utter chaos. Everyone tried to disperse as the herd of walkers that Daryl had trailed towards the Sanctuary engulfed the courtyard. You moved towards one of the cars to try and hide but there were walkers everywhere.

You saw Gabriel trying to help Gregory and you couldn't understand why. You knew that Gabriel valued all life but Gregory? He had just betrayed your groups by submitting to Negan and using Hilltop as a pawn in their game.

You could see that Gregory had taken Gabriel's car and left him for dead. You tired to call to him but the sounds of the walkers overpowered your voice. You made a run for Gabriel but he didn't see you and managed to slip through a gap in the herd. You stopped in your tracks as you were swarmed by the herd and your eyes bolted around every nook and cranny to find a way out.

Your eyes met the large container just outside the front of the Sanctuary and you decided to try for it. You pushed walkers out of your way with your bare hands, not wanting to use the gun that was in your back pocket. The more you pushed towards the container, the more anxious you became.

You made it to the door and scrambled inside the container as you quickly shut the door behind you. As you pushed it with your back, you closed your eyes and exhaled. The sounds of scratching and moans were muffled by the walls of the container and you were worried about everything. Did everyone make it out?

You suddenly heard shuffling coming from the other side of the container. You jumped and turned around to face the dark corner.

"I hope you got your shitting pants on," a voice came.

Your brow furrowed as you couldn't see anyone. "What?"

"Your shitting pants," the voice came again. "I hope you're wearing them."

Your eyes searched the darkness as a figure stepped forward into the light. Your eyes widened as his handsome features sharpened in the light.

"Because you... are about to shit your pants," Negan's voice came almost as a whisper as a grin emerged on his lips.

Your heart was racing at the sight of him. You thought he had died when he disappeared after the shooting started. It was obvious to you that you were more than pleased to see him alive but when you were about to say something, you paused and discarded the idea.

After a moment, you looked at his eyes. "Oh, you know what? I forgot to pack them," you said, sarcastically. "How careless of me." You began to turn around when you felt Negan firmly pushing you up against the wall, his breath tickling the back of your neck.

"Negan? What the fuck?!" you tried to scream but couldn't succeed due to his weight being pressed against yours. Negan had one hand on your back to stop you from moving while his other reached into your back pocket to grab hold of your gun. Once he had it, he eased off you and when you turned around to face him angrily, you smacked his cheek.

As your hand made contact with his skin, he quickly grasped onto your wrist making you wince. "Don't ever fucking do that again!" he yelled at you, his grip making your wrist ache with pain. You managed to wriggle out of his grasp and back away from him, leaving him standing in the middle of the container.

"What the hell is your problem?" you huffed at him. He sighed as he brought his head down. "Give me back my gun, Negan."

Negan let out a small laugh as he scratched his forehead with the gun and his attention turned back to you. "I thought we had something, darling. So, what was the plan? You show up with your mud flaps and kill every one of us?"

You glared at him. "Give me my gun," you repeated.

Negan laughed again and walked over to the opposite wall to where you were and slid down to sit against it, his long legs brought up to his chest. You were about to yell at him again when he looked at you and motioned for you to shush. As much as he was annoying you, you knew he was right. The two of you had to be quiet, since the exterior of the container was surrounded by hungry walkers.

You huffed again and sat down on your side of the wall. When you looked at Negan, he smirked at you and you tired to ignore him. The plan your groups had come up with had worked but only to an extent. Negan was vulnerable in the container with you but he wasn't dead.

You were of course happy about that but not everyone else was you; they would try and get him again. You didn't even know if anyone got hurt during the attack; you just sat in silence and hoped that they were all still alive.

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