Chapter 5: Sanctuary for All...

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Author's Note: Alright, this is a loonngg chapter but so much stuff happens in this one, so I just left it as is. Some of what happens in this chapter is very different from the show but again, it's because it revolves around your character.WARNING: there is an event of attempted sexual assault in this chapter. Just giving you a heads up.

Overview: When you finally arrive at the Sanctuary, you enter an environment where you can't help but feel unsafe...

Despite the journey to the Sanctuary being longer than you thought it would be, you kept your eyes out in front, not wanting to engage in any conversation with Simon or Negan. They were conversing between each other almost non-stop about how their trip to Alexandria went; Simon seemed to be pleased that Negan was happy with the whole operation. Because of that, you had to stop yourself from scoffing at them.

The truck finally drove up a gravel driveway to a large building. You were taken back at the sheer size of it. It was like a fortress. The more you examined it, the more you began to conclude that it must have been a factory at some point. The front façade had a geometric arrangement of windows, some of which were broken. You noticed almost immediately that the courtyard was fenced off and there were multiple walkers tied up along it; a defence tactic, obviously.

The truck suddenly stopped outside what seemed like the main entrance, making you jolt forward. Your hand pushed against the dashboard on reflex, keeping you from hitting your head on it. Negan let out a small laugh as he lifted his legs off the dashboard to open the door on his side of the truck. You straightened yourself and noticed that Simon was still in the driver's seat, smiling at you. "Home, sweet home!" he said, proudly.

Negan coughed on purpose to get your attention and you could see that he was holding the door open for you to get out. You slid across the large seat and you landed with a crunch as your feet made contact with the gravel beneath them. You looked up at the Sanctuary. It made you feel much smaller than it did when you were in the truck.

You followed Negan as he lead you to the Sanctuary's entrance but before you went in, he turned on his heel to address you, keeping Lucille over his shoulder. "You're probably wondering why you're here."

"The thought did cross my mind," you teased.

He leaned into you, which made your heart beat faster than it already was. "You're here because you're smart. I was impressed that you spoke up to me and in front of all of my men, too."

You gave him a confused look. "I was certain you would have punished me for it..."

Negan's grin became smaller. "I'll tell you upfront. I don't hurt women. Hell, I don't hurt men either...unless they deserve it." He looked at you with a serious face. "People are a resource. Remember that." The way he said it made you realize that he was right and he knew it.

You gave him a nod. He leaned back as he continued to lead you into the Sanctuary. The building was just as big on the inside as it was on the outside. The main foyer was open, as the ceiling towered above you.

You spent a majority of the day following Negan, as he gave you a tour of the place. They couldn't have known that you were making a mental map of each corridor, each entrance, each small passage. However, something that you found absolutely insane was that whenever Negan went through a part of the Sanctuary that had his Saviours in, each and every one of them knelt before him. What the hell was going on in this place....?

One room that took most of your interest was the meeting room. When all of you entered, Negan set Lucille gently onto one end of the table. You caught sight of the marks and dents and the realization hit you; that was definitely Negan's end of the table. Those marks could only be made from the bat being hit against the wood.

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