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(Y/n)'s pov:

(Not even 12 hours later)

Me, Amity, my father and Marinette are waiting in the waiting room at the hospital. Waiting for my mom to give birth to my little sibling. When the nurse comes into the waiting room she looks at me.

"Your (y/n) right?" She asked me.

"Yes I am. Are they okay?"

"Yes both of them are fine." I laughed.

"Yeah I wasn't talking about my birth giver. You didn't tell me if it's male or female yet."

"Oh right. Yes you have a son. The birth giver told me that your the adoptive mother." My jaw dropped.

"I beg your praden?" Amity asked the nurse then looked at me. "When we're you going to tell me this?" She asked me.

"She didn't know." My dad answered her question. "(M/n) made this choice without (y/n) permission." I'm still in shock.


"But she already left the hospital. Someone need to take the baby." The nurse said, the fuckers healed her then let her go, without making sure the baby actually had a home to go to. "Okay so let me get this straight, after she gave birth, she told yall I was it's mother, then you guys just let her go?" The nurse nodded. "Okay so here's a shocker for you. I'm 15, I turn 16 next month. The woman who gave birth to my brother is my mom." I saw Amity's ears go down.


"I'm starting to get a headache."

"I'll take the baby." My dad said.

"Sorry sir but we have the paperwork that shows us that (y/n) (l/n) is the mother of the child, only she can sign him out. Also he needs a name." The nurse showed me the paperwork.

That bitch forge my signature

I stood up and walked to the nurse. "Take me to him. I just wanna get out of this place as soon as I can, I hate these places." I walked away with her. Then we went into a room, it was small. I saw a sleeping baby in the middle of the room. I picked him up.

"Hey there little brother." I kissed his forehead.

"You mean son." I rolled my eyes.

"So what's his name?"

"Amil." She looked at me.

"A.m.i.l it means 'hope and new beginning'. He's a new beginning." He opened his eyes and he looked at each other. He moved his arms up, I smiled, I moved my ears moved down then up making him giggle.

"I'll check him out and you can take your son home." I look over at her, not wanting to waste more time or start a fight about him not being my son "Yeah okay."

I walked back to my dad, sister and Amity. When she saw me she stood up.

"They're checking Amil out now. Then we can leave."

"Amil?" Everyone asked me.

"It means new beginnings, I know that having a baby in the house will be different for all of us. But he's my brother, and he needs me. Papa I don't expect you to help me with this but I know I'll need help, cause I still have school, my friends and Amity." I look at Amity, her ears were down, I couldn't tell if she was blushing or if she's mad.

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