Chapter 12: The Circle Of Life

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~Authors note at the end~

I've heard people in the past say life wasn't worth living... that we live for such a short amount of time, so what's the use in continuing on with our lives? well, I'll show you.


you looked towards the sun, the wind rippling your pelt. years had passed. you grew even older. your children were all grown up with families of their own. the Lion Guard was doing well. see, even after that day, Janja's life had come to an end. it wasn't you, nor Kion that ended his life. it was the spirits.

every ruler of the Pridelands knew Janja was a threat... and that he had to go. now, I know what you may be thinking... I thought this story was going to be full of angst. while that may be true, I wanted to tell a story not completely angst based for once.

I believe the Circle of Life is real. through every misfortune we encounter, to every fortune we do. the spirits are with us, and in this world it is our ancestors who have brought us here today. imagine if we ended it.

"Mom, are you ready?" you turned around to see your sons, Oren and Matthias, walking towards you, Kion trailing behind. today was a special day. a day in which a new life would be welcomed into the world. you nodded.

"Yes, my sons. I am." you smiled as you stepped into the cave, where you saw your daughter with her newborn child. your granddaughter. Rafiki came over and took the young cub from Tifu's paws. he then did the ceremony, every animal gathered around pride rock. you looked at Kion and beamed.

maybe, just maybe, life could continue in peace.


"Woah... that was a crazy dream. what the heck was it about?" you woke up from your slumber, and put your feet on the floor of your room. stumbling, you took a few steps on your two legs, as your dream had felt very real indeed. "I can't believe I had a dream about a children's show..." you groaned.

light flooded your room. you looked at your clock. 3:45 p.m. you had slept for 18 hours. you couldn't believe it. however, you had to write down what you remembered about your dream.

journal entry 2021,
I had this crazy dream about the Lion Guard. all I remember is that I was abused my whole life, but Kion saved me. we grew up together, had children together... but everything started to go wrong again. I guess years passed, and Janja was still alive. there were fights, and wars, and I didn't want to live anymore. there was this evil spirit that took over me, and caused me to do major destruction to the land. however I knew I was loved, Kion was there for me, and I just knew I couldn't give up. I think what I learned from my dream, is that it takes one person to change someone, like what Janja did to me. you carry that abuse and feeling of worthlessness your entire life, feeling like no one loves you, no one cares for you. let's say my dream took a different turn. I never came to, I destroyed my family and my land. the Circle of Life would have never continued, there would be no one to carry any more legacies. but that didn't happen. even though so much happened to me in my dream lion life, I still grew up with someone who loved me, someone who started a family with me. I grew old... and I think that life came to an end when I woke up. it was a crazy dream, and considering I slept for 18 hours, I need to get out into the real world and tell the people I love how much I appreciate them.

you closed your journal with a sigh, and got dressed. not too long after, you heard your mother's voice.

"Y/N, are you awake??" she called.

"yeah mom, I'm coming!" with that, you exited your room and walked downstairs towards where your family was waiting.

not the ending you were expecting huh? well, to tell you the truth, this was completely improvised. I'm growing up, and in the end, I wanted this to be a lesson. I get that we're in the year 2021, now more than ever people are figuring out who they are. but while doing so, they're destroying relationships with their families. maybe it's not entirely them, but what I'm saying is that we only get one short life, and a shorter amount of time to express to others how much they mean to us. please, tell your family you love them, tell your friends how much you appreciate them, don't let anything hold you back from relationships because I guarantee you, there won't be anyone who won't be there for you at your lowest. I've been working on me lately, and I still am, but this story isn't going to finish itself. that being said... this story and series is done. thank you to all my readers, I consider this short series a huge success. back in 2017, I was a foolish child with a foolish mind, and now 4 years later, I have completed both books to ICWYR with a major plot twist. not the ending even I was expecting. thank you all once again, and stay tuned for more stories :)

yours truly, sad_yeehaws

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