Chapter 9: The Howling Spirits

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"Scar.. Zira, have mercy!" You cried in pain. All they did was look at you, and seer in disgust. Right, they were evil... And that evil was within you. You see, Scar was no part of your family's history... But Zira was.

She was your mother's younger sister. You had never known, as Zira had run away long ago and never returned. Your mother never spoke of her. So yes, Zira was of royalty, but became the ruler of the Outlands. So really, that made Kovu your cousin. None of Kion's family was blood related to you, but Kovu was. Your family history was all so new to you, this you discovered as you stepped in the glowing green circle.

"Your life has been a lie. All these years... You've never known!" Zira cackled. You growled, and tried to get up. However the pain of delivering a child was unbearable, so you could not do so. Scar looked at you in pity.

"Oh dear dear, a young lioness in the belly of the best, with nowhere to go, the only way to make it all stop is you do one of two things." He said. You looked at him somewhat hopeful.

"Please, what can I do?!" You cried.

"Give up your child," Scar said, no emotion in his voice, "or yourself."

With that, tears welled in your eyes. You had not once, not twice, but too many times in your life almost encountered death and you didn't mind it so, but Kion changed all of that... However you didn't want to give up your child.

"Please... For the sake of my family.. There must be another way!" You yelled in agony. Your child was coming. A decision would have to be made fast, and you didn't know what to do.

Scar and Zira both curled their lips back into a sneer so that their teeth were showing and their eyes glowed greener than emerald. True ghosts they were, it was one of the scariest things you had ever seen.

A sharp stabbing pain exploded from within you... And you felt your child... A son, be delivered. You immediately rushed to his aid, but only to find that he was not breathing. The wind was howling, the green clouds were swirling. You had not made a choice, therefore the choice had been made for you.

You looked towards the sky and cried. Your child had been sacrificed, and there was nothing you could do.

~with Kion in the Outlands~

"Tifu, Oren!" Kion called. He so desperately needed to find his children, get back to his wife. Oh, his beloved Y/N... He wondered what was going on back with you. The green clouds were still roaring, the winds were wilder than any he had ever encountered. As he ran, his lion guard symbol shone brightly, he knew not why.

All of a sudden, a light was transmitted from it, and pointed in a direction... West, where the sun sets. He ran, followed the light. After what seemed like hours, he finally came to a stop to see his children running for their lives, a pack of hyenas close on their tails.

Kion's eyes glared, and he sheathed his claws into the dirt. He feared he was already losing Y/N, but he would not ever lose his children. He sprang towards them, and stood between the hyenas and his children.

Light from above began to shine down on Kion. Iridescent white clouds appeared and clashed with the sinister green ones, eventually drowning the green glow with yellow and gold. He roared at the hyenas, he roared like he had done when he had rescued you from Janja and his clan.

The hyenas stopped instantly, and ran away in their cowardly manner. Kion looked after them, throwing curses and unspeakable threats at them, completely forgetting Tifu and Oren were behind him. He turned around and saw his children. Tears welled in his eyes as he sank to his knees and allowed Tifu and Oren to nuzzle and rub against him.

"Oh daddy, we missed you!" Tifu cried. Kion smiled through his tears and gave Tifu's partially scarred face a lick.

"Oh Tifu, I missed you too, both of you! I missed you both so much, your mother and I have been worried sick!" He cried. Oren purred into his father's mane. He looked up in awe and wonder at the clouds, which were beginning to fade away, being replaced with crystal blue skies.

"Father, how did you do that??" He wondered. Kion began to speak when he heard a voice behind him.

"Tifu! Oren!" It cried as it approached. Kion pressed his ears back in alert. Tifu and Oren smiled and bounded up to their grandmother as she came into view. Kion's eyes grew wide.

"Are you... Y/N's mother?" He asked. The old, yet young souled lioness smiled and nodded.

"I am. I am so pleased to make your acquaintance, your highness, you're so handsome, brave..." She walked in circles around him, examining him. "And very strong and muscular."

Kion blushed from embarrassment as his children rolled over laughing. M/N (mother's name, for reminders) laughed as well. Kion suddenly remembered you, and how you could be in danger.

"Y/N... We have to go!" He cried. However, a spine chilling voice stopped him from going far.

"No one is going anywhere." It said. It was getting dark... Kion looked up and saw that the dark green clouds were returning. Then he looked at the figure standing right in front of him. Two spirits floated down next to him, Scar and Zira. "Hello, Kion. We meet again."

Kion's eyes widened in fear and disbelief. He stood in front of his family, however his stance faltered. No... It couldn't be possible. He was dead! Wasn't he..?

"What's wrong Kion? Is it not wonderful to see an old friend?" The figure asked.

All Kion hoped for was that he was wrong. He wasn't.

"Janja." He said.

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