Part 6 - What You Left Behind

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Theo Frey had confronted his parents Buffy and Angel, fought with them, and even almost killed one of them, but in the end, he could not find himself capable of the kill despite managing many kills before that. If anything, he had thought he would only become more ruthless after becoming a vampire but clearly things were not that straightforward, but could it really be that dying made him more human? No, surely not he thought as he ran out of the backdoor of his former family home only to find himself hit by a shovel to the head, not seeing where it came from, or who was holding the shovel, as everything suddenly went to black...

Ruby Moon, the former best friend of Theo Frey, joined Theo when he first left Riverborn to become a lackey for the deranged vampire Drusilla in a bid to protect her best friend but instead, she too found herself briefly seduced by the darkness, of the magical kind, but as she spiraled further and further into the dark acts she began to see changes within herself she did not like and soon she started to see Theo experience the same changes at the hands of Drusilla and her right-hand guy Tobias.
She had tried multiple times to convince Theo to run away with her, but he was in too deep and so the young witch was forced to save herself, leaving her best friend behind, as she returned home to Riverborn to live a relatively normal life which led to her graduating from Riverborn High, going on to college, and marrying her best friend's former crush Lucien Knight but through all the changes, and developments in her life, she could never shake the guilt of not being able to save Theo from the crutches of Drusilla and Tobias.
Her now-husband Lucien Knight's life was as far from normal as possible going on to join a top-secret government organization run by ex-initiative operative Riley Finn, an organization which unlike the initiative itself worked alongside slayers, witches, and even werewolves to achieve their mission, protect the innocent.
Ruby and Lucien's relationship started out as a friendship formed in the wake of losing Theo but grew over time into something more solid, eventually leading to the two falling in love and getting married, a marriage that nobody saw coming but somehow worked very well for the two of them.
"Well, if it is not the witch who loves to ditch..." Theo said as he awoke to find himself chained to Ruby and Lucien's bed within their bedroom, as the husband and wife stood above him, hovering over him, clearly revealing themselves to be Theo's kidnappers. "I heard you two got hitched but has the marriage already gone that stale you've started chaining folk up to the bed?"
"I never ditched you, Theo, I pleaded you to come with me, but you made your choice, you were never going to leave that life because you believed you had nothing left in your old life, but you always had me," Ruby replied to him, making it clear to her friend that she never left him out of choice. "I never should have left you and for that, I am truly sorry, but I cannot allow you to just keep hurting people especially now you're a vampire."
"You may have left but you did not leave with clean hands dearest friend, or have you forgotten your own kill count?" Theo responded, taunting the witch who at one stage in his life was his best friend. "And as for the whole vampire thing, am I wearing a sign or something?"
"Once you have been around enough vampires you start being able to spot them," Lucien said, finally breaking his silence and adding something to the hostile conversation.
"Drusilla manipulated us both got me so hooked on magic I could not think straight but your drug of choice was vengeance, towards people she wanted you to hate, and you did everything she said," Ruby argued with Theo, before going on to say. "I also know you still have a soul somehow which means despite all the odds, all she did to you, to us, that you are still able to be saved."
"Listen love if your conscience stopped you from getting dirty with the big players that are on you and nobody else but do not go blaming one vamp for your miserable life which includes marrying my sloppy seconds." Theo cruelly mocked his former friend, as well as her marriage to his former lover.
"You are not the guy I grew up with, you stopped being him the day your parents died but that does not mean you cannot ever be him again," Ruby responded, refusing to react to his attempts to infuriate her. "I know you better than everyone, including those vampires who you claim as family...and I know somewhere deep down you are still a good person."
"And if you prove us wrong...if you really are too gone to be saved...then before the day is over, I'll slam open those curtains and watch you burn until there is nothing left on that bed except for your ashes." Lucien warned the vampire, making it clear that he was ready to save or kill him.

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