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"Mrs. Matchmaker, I'm ready. Tell me what is he's name."
"I no need to say, he's going to be here in no time."

*knock knock*
"He's here." the Matchmaker said.

*screech* door opened.
"Hi, Hinata. I said that you'll be mine one day." He said, grinning.
"Na- Naruto?!"

"Naruto!!!!" someone called, but Naruto was too cold to open my eyes.

He was been dragged from the snow up to a horse. He tried to open my eyes again. He saw a person, but not sure who is it, but it looks like Hiroto (Hinata).

After a while on the horse, He was been put on the ground. He tried to open his mouth, but nothing came out. Naruto was lied there, till he could stand up, and found a horse.

He found the others.
"Have anyone seen Hiroto?" he called.


Not a single person said anything.

Hiroto is impossible to die. he thought.
Shut up. Hiroto must be alive.
Another part of his mind said.

Naruto turned, someone's coming towards them.

It looks like... A woman? A woman on a horse? Women can't be in the army, of course, battle field also.

She just, looked so familiar, but he just couldn't tell who is it.

She came down, and kneeled.
"Commander Tung," she said.

Wait, she sounded like-

"I'm Hinata."

What the hell?! Hiroto is Hinata, and Hinata is Hiroto?! Nah, nah, nah. Hinata IS NOT Hiroto.

He's whole mind was going crazy.
But, a woman who was so skilled on swords and archery, he bet there's no one in this world, except for her.

"Dishonesty is met with expulsion and disgrace to your family!!" Commander Tung yelled.

"I rather be executed." she said, took the last sight, and walked away.

Naruto suddenly felt that she's so beautiful and brave.

At Last (NaruHina x Mulan after story)Where stories live. Discover now