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"Inei, remember this three steps. Stretch, aim, and release. You try." Hinata handed the bow to her.

"Stretch, aim," she muttered. "RELEASE!" she suddenly yelled.

Hinata didn't notice that Naruto was walking there.

Wait, it's Naruto.
It's NARUTO!!!

"Inei, don't-"

It's all too late. Naruto... Got the arrow on his chest.

He looked at the arrow, and fainted.

Hinata ran towards him, as fast as she could.
"NARUTO!!!!" she yelled.

Inei dropped her bow on the ground. She's shocked, and frightened. She fainted too.

Hinata froze. She don't know what to do.

Should I just pull the arrow out?
Her hands were trembling.

I have to save Naruto!

Hinata looked around on the field. She saw herbs, and plucked it, smelled it.

This is the one!

Hinata pulled the arrow out.
He's starting to bleed a lot.
She losen his shirt, and put the herbs on his chest

But it's no use, he's bleeding too much!

Hinata ripped off her shirt's sleeves and bandaged his wound.

She put Naruto and Inei both on the horse, and rode back to the camp.

At Last (NaruHina x Mulan after story)Where stories live. Discover now