PART [ 57 ]

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Happy Reading ☺️


After karan's birthday Party over ! I came to room & rest my head on the Pillow

Whatever Happening It is Right Bela ? Did I take any Wrong Decision about this !

For my Friendship and Ex husband . I shouldn't spoil my daughter's life ! Should I run away from here with Pinky

Thousands of thoughts running my mind ! Suddenly someone knock the door ! It's Vish

Come inside Vish ! , I said to her

What's happening here Bela ? I can't understand ! , She said

I also can't understand the situation Vish ! It is Right or Wrong I doesn't know ! I thinking to runway from here , I said

What are you saying Bela ! Runaway from the situation will not be the end okay . You should face it ,she said

Okay tell me ! Whom should I choose ? Karan or mahir , I asked her

You already know my Answer ! Mahir is right to you ! And right for your life and right for Pinky's life , she said

I can't understand anything ! What should I do ? Whom should I choose ? But mahirrr..........

Mahir is fully changed Bela ! He is not that mahir we seen him before 8 years ! , She said

If I choose mahir then what about Karan ! He will feel bad Naa ? , I asked her

Yes absolutely ! But you will be happy with mahir ! , She said

Vish... I

Take your own time and think about it and don't spoil Pinky's life because of your decision , she said and left

If she really thinks that I will spoil my Pinky's life ! She is my daughter ! How can she thinks like that ! But whatever happening now everything looks like that ! I should not spoil my Pinky's life


Next Day


Mahir , what is it ? , Bela asked me

What is it matlab ! I am taking you out Bela ! To spend some time together , I replied to her

That's okay where is Car ? , She said

I said you that we are going Out ! And I not said you that where are going in car , he said

Uffo mahir ! I can't understand what you are saying ! , She said

We are going in bike Ride Bela , I said to her

But Mahirrr , she said

You will not come with me ? , I asked her

Not like that I am coming with you , she said

Then I started the bike and Our another journey started their ! If my whole life goes like this I feel happy ! Because I Need Bela in my life till my last breath.



I am Aroundly 30 now ! But I am feeling a teenager girl . But I love the moment spending with mahir . I feel happy and mahir is the only person can give me that feeling ! Did I choose mahir for my whole life ?

And we went to ice cream parlor , chat masala their we ate our Favourite Pani Puri , then went to theatre and watched movie their and spend some quality time in Park with little kids and the day filled with full of happiness ❤️

Then We back off to home their , Karan was waiting for me !

Hello , Karan What are you doing here ? , I asked to him and mahir face changes when he saw him

Bela I am waiting for you from morning . Now time is 8 ! Where are you gone ? I said you yesterday Naa that let's go Out for Today , he asked to me

Sorry Karan , I forgot about that . I am really sorry , I said to him

What Bela ? I was waiting for you so long , he said

We both went for a Date that's why she forgots you , mahir said to him

Mahir please shut up and Karan tomorrow let's go out okay , I said

Okay tomorrow sharp at 9'clock , I will come to pick up you okay , he said and left


Bela , Can I suggest you something , vyom asked me

Yes ! you can vyom , I said

Frankly saying , Don't Choose Mahir ! Choose Karan He is best for you because mahir already twice time he broken your trust ! You have any surety that he will not broke you again , he said

So !

Choose Karan it's my Option to you ! Karan waiting for your reply ! He waited for you for 4 years Bela think about it , vyom said and left to his room


Vish is saying me to choose mahir and Vyom is saying me to choose Karan ! Whom should I choose yuvi ? , I asked to yuvi

Bhabi listen ! I will not force you to choose mahir Bhai or Karan ! I am just saying you to choose your happiness , he said

Thank you yuvi for your suggestion !


I spent the Whole day with Karan ! He is humble & sweet . And he is my friend ! I feel safe with him but with mahir I feel happy and blessed . Yes mahir is the one who will gave happiness to me but he already broke my heart ! Again I will not allow him to broke me .

I don't know what to choose ? Whom to choose ?

To be countiue ✌️

Hope you guys like it
Ignore my grammar mistakes
Till byee 🙃 I will try to update next part soon🙌❤️

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