PART [ 35 ]

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Happy reading 😊

Pinky : come mom ! Let's we go for shopping

Vish : for What ?

Pinky : I asked mango Jam Naa

Vish : haan but I have some work Naa , and you should also take rest ok

Pinky : but you said me that we will go to shopping at evening

Vish : But it's not Evening ! In evening we can Go ! Pakka

Pinky : mumma ! Aap bhi Naa

Then mahir camed their

Mahir : what's happening here

Vish : nothing Mahir ! Take pinky to her room

Pinky : what nothing ! , Raaghiiiiiii can you take me to shopping

Mahir : but you are not Well baby ! You should take rest

Pinky : raaghiiiiiii ! You also , I want manjo jam

Mahir : oh my baby ! You can take rest at home , I will bring manjo jam for you

Vish : but mahir !

Mahir : what happened Vish !

Vish : Pinky ! Give this snacks to Bela maasi and come

Pinky : ok mumma ! Wait raaghiiiiiii I will back in 2 mins

Pinky left from their

Vish : mahir , Be strict to her ! If you not strict to her then she will use your name for Everything

Mahir : ok don't worry ! I will be back

Mahir left from their and pinky camed their

Pinky : where is raaghiiiiiii

Vish : He left to bring manjo jam for you

Pinky : Really ! That's my raaghiiiiiii , if he come back from their means call me

Vish : ok ! Where are you going ?

Pinky : Again going to Bela maasi Room

Vish : ok ! Goooo


Mahir went to CSR supermarket , brought manjo jam for pinky and some snacks , and that's also for pinky and brought Something for Bela and left from their

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