♡I Am Worried... ♡

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Bakugou's pov

The anxiety was killing me...

Deku hadnt shown up all day for his classes nor his training with Allmight even when the stupid extras went shouting and banging on his door they were met with silence.

i was worried but i spent the day with kirishima going on with classes like usual, something felt off though. When sat in the classroom no one seemd worried nor fazed by the fact deku was clearly not there and if so they just seemed more agitated by the mention of him.

By the time i had got back to the dorms i headed straight up to dekus dorm, kirishima had decided to stay in the common room. By the time i made it to dekus dorm door everything felt deathly quite, almost depressing.

I didnt waste time with manners, not like i ever did and began banging with all my might of his door. No one answered so i began shouting.


There was a breif moment of silence and i was about to blast the door off when i heard the quietest bit of movement from inside, It soon got louder and eventually his dorm door creeked open.

He looked dreadful as he lent on the door frame tired puffy eyes clear as the light from the hallway lit up is shadow filled room. One thing i took most notice to though was his hand more specifically the one holding open the door.

His fists were were a dark almost black  colour of red, dried blood flaking as his fist clenched around the door, a painful purple surrounding them.

I must have been staring as i was startled out my thoughts, his voice was horse like it had been used all up.

Izuku: i... Eh... punched my mirror...

I sighed and pushed him out the way making it inside his dorm room, the first thing i did was go straight to his curtains and open them wide letting the sun envelope the whole room with light.

Now that i could finally see shit i saw the broken shards of reflective glass that spilled out of his bathroom onto his bedroom floor taking note to clean that up later.

I eventually got him sat down on his bed as i bandaged up his hand, it took a while but i had eventually taken care of the stupid deku and his room.

Izuku:... Sorry for making you do this..

He had looked away from me his eyes distant, i was honestly confused and even more worried then i had been the other day. Yes that stupid Icy hot had cheated on him but his pain seemed well beyind that. Despite not wanting to question him i couldnt let this go on.

Bakugo: what the hell is wrong with you? I mean i know that stupid candy cane cheated on you but i bet thats not it is it?

Izuku: ...

Bakugo: was it your mum again? Or did something happen to your dad?... Come on deku you've got to tell me if your this shaken up by it.

It was silent for a while as he was debating telling me whatever it was that had him so depressed. In the end i thought i wasnt going to get any answers from him but i was wrong.

♡Floating To The Surface♡ ||A Badasss Deku Story|| (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now