♡Cheating Lies♡

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Izuku pov

Today had been a long day and i was compleatly exhausted by the time last period finished so i set off straight to my dorm to get some rest.

I ended up falling asleep though not for long as about an hour later i woke up, i was feeling hungry so i set off towards the kitchen downstairs in hope to find some bits and bobs to snack on. I wasnt ever really that hungry so i thought about maybe just grabbing a few bits of fruit and heading back upstairs.

Though coming down the hall striaght ahead from the common room i heard some of my classmates. I dont know what made compelled me to hide and listern in to their conversation but i did it anyway, and i was glad i did...

??? : I just cant stand him anymore hes so oblivious its stupid!! At this point i dont think he even is i bet hes just playing me.

??? : you only now realize? I mean come on its clear he thinks hes better than all of us.

Those two voices were easy to make out the first one being Uraraka and the second being Hagekure. I was surprised because i never thought id hear either of them talk bad about someone like that nevermind behind their back but i guess i thought wrong.

??? : as much as i agree with the both of you as my Duty of being class rep i must ask you stop talking bad about your classmate behind his back.

Iida to!? God i never realized how two faced these people were, i felt really bad for the person they were talking about i couldnt imagine who it was cause i didnt know anyone who i thought to deserve to be talked so bad about behind their back.

Mina: Oh come on iida you said it yourself that you agree with us, i mean come on we can all agree Midoriya is a fat attention seeking whore who likes to rub his perfect life infront of our fucking noses.

??? : someone really needs to put him in his place honestly!

I was frozen.... Me? What did i do?

I couldnt even think straight the fact they thought these things of me... I couldnt wrap it round my head, i thought they were my friends at last i thought i had people to lean on but i was wrong.

Hagekure: come on iida being class rep you should be able to put him in his place am i right?

??? : ye i mean what could thay stupid pretend faggot do to you anyway?

Everyone in the common room laugthed.....

When i say everyone in the common room i mean almost all the class. I was hurt...

They knew nothing those homophobic assholes knew NOTHING!

I was overwhelmed with negative emotions i wanted to punch something but i couldnt i hoped to hear someone in the common room stand up for me but i got the complete opposite.

Iida: i cannot and wont as it is my Duty as class rep to be nice to my fellow classmates no matter how much they annoy me and everyone else!

His duty... HIS FUCKING DUTY!!!???

IT WAS HIS FUCKING DUTY TO BE NICE TO ME, what a load of bullshit his duty my ass. At this point i was seething i didnt want to hear anymore of what they thought was my perfect life and me rubbing it in their faces like i had anything to rub in their faces in the first place.

I finally had enougth of their utter bullshit so I composed myself and slipped round the corner into the common room and everyone went silent when they saw me, i couldnt care less and carried on walking to the kitchen even as they tried to greet me and make light conversation but i wasnt having any of it.

I finally made it to the kitchen no longer feeling hungry having lost my appetite i grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge and started off back towards my dorm. Though being stuck in my thoughts i hadnt realized that it wasnt my dorm i was making my way towards but Todorokis, i guess i hoped he could comfort me so i ended up walking up towards his dorm only to faced with something i really didnt want to be real.

Slapping, panting and moans filled the ear with the few strings of curse words.... The door was slightly ajar.

I didnt need to look inside to know what was happaning but in that moment i had to see it to believe it.... There on full display like their full intention was for me to see was my boyfriend pinning the class 1A "mum" to his bed while fucking her mercilessly.

"what a shit show" i said in a hushed voice tears were rolling down my face though i hadnt noticed. I closed the door and turned around to set off down the hall, you could still hear them loud and clear from behind the closed door... I was so fed up.

I heared something from the down the hall and looked up to be met with kacchan he had a confused looked plastered on his face. I didnt react but he as he came closer to my frozen figure his looked of confusion turned to one of anger and pity.

Bakugo: Deku.... Come here

He held out his arms right in front of me, i made to light steps before burrying my head into his chest as he wropped his arms around me. And the next thing i knew was black, a quite, peacful black room a void almost. It seemed like it was made to make me feel trapped but in that moment it made me feel...



Another chapter re-write done again hope this okay definitely alot happier with this.

I found ive become  a little more confident in my writing skills now thats ive finished my gcses and left school so ye xx

♡words: 1014♡


♡Floating To The Surface♡ ||A Badasss Deku Story|| (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now