5 - The Clarity. Unfinished Confessions.

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Notes :

First of all, thank you for waiting for the update. I would like to apologize for the late update. Just got my second dose of vaccine and it's beating my body T.T the headache and soreness on my arm won't go away.

Anyway, this is long chapter. Enjoy!


Best got discharged exactly two days after Dew's mom got discharged. Just to his luck, his mom got a call from the education ministry and had to attend a national seminar two days ago and won't be back until tomorrow while none of his friends were free that day to help him. With his arm still in a cast he really couldn't pack things up and deal with the paper by himself so he called for help.

P'Great would be an obvious choice because he would always be available to help Best anytime but for some reason his finger tapped on a different name.

"Hey, Best, what's up?", Dew's voice rang through the phone.

"Hey, uhm, are you busy?"

That's how Best ended up here, sitting in Dew's car while the taller drove him to the police station to claim his car before taking him home from the hospital. Best was kinda glad that things between him and Dew were slowly settling down or things would be awkward. When they arrived at the station and saw the state of his (crushed) car, Dew frowned. He knew that the accident was pretty serious but he didn't know it was THIS serious. He followed Best around and stayed by his side when he gave statements about what happened, when he heard what happened Dew got even more upset.

After signing some papers and made sure his car got delivered to the shop for repair Dew drove him back to his house. He was still worried about what happened that he was unconsciously being silent it made Best worry instead.

"Uhm, Dew, is something wrong?", Best finally asked Dew.

"Huh? nothing", Dew tilted his head, "Why are you asking?"

"No, just.... you've been kinda quiet since we left the police station"

"Oh, right, nothing really", Dew tried to convince Best.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just.... hearing what happened, I mean the accident... it was way more severe than I thought so I'm worried"

Best turned his eyes back upward on the road but his attention was on what Dew just said. His heart been trying to convince him to start a conversation about the ig story, seven years ago and cleared out everything that still hadn't been cleared but his mind didn't want to, just yet. Because as much as Best wanted to get the clarity and closure, he still wanted to enjoy being on a talking terms with Dew, it's been seven years after all. There's no guarantee that things would get significantly better if they talk things out and it scared him.

Because he was too busy with his thoughts, Best only realized Dew's car had entered his housing complex when Dew asked which was Best's house.  Best also just realized that this is the first time Dew has visited Best's house and it's kinda late to panic over that.

"Nice house", Dew commented after he rushed to open the car door for Best.

"Well, thanks to my mom I guess", Best chuckled.

"Understandable, Mae Aom sure likes cute things", Dew nodded seeing the cute flower wrath with a welcome sign on the door.

Best still couldn't get used to hear Dew refer his mom as Mae since his mom asked Dew to call her that way. Well, Best also had a same request from Dew's mom though.

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