4. Friends. One Last Push.

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Notes :

A little explanation of the timeline from where this story is.


The Best Story -> War x Tik มุม. MV -> Hopeless Hope

Alright, that's it, here we go


Ray hasn't let Best out of his sight for the past 15 minutes. Well, it's not like he could because Best was unconscious on a hospital bed after having a severe accident. Ray felt like crying again. He felt his hands being squeezed by Dave beside him.

"Baby, he'll be fine, none of this is your fault"


"No, the call wasn't the reason why he was distracted, you heard them earlier. Now, we just need to look after him until aunty Aom arrived"

Ray nodded, feeling defeated. He felt horrible having to witness how the accident unfold through the phone. Ray still remembered the sound of crashing that he heard after not getting any response and the chilling silence after that. He panicked when the line got abruptly cut and immediately told his friends to find Best. He remembered yelling at Dave in the car while trying to look for his best friend.

When Ray got the call that Best indeed got into an accident and was rushed to the hospital, he broke down. He felt like it was his fault that Best got into the accident. Hearing about his condition from the doctor only increased his guilt.

After aunty Aom arrived Ray had to go home, even though he still wanted to be there. Every day he would come after work to look after Best and let aunty rest for bit. Ray felt so relieved when Best finally woke up on the fifth day and be able to sit up and talk like normal after two weeks and be able to walk after four weeks. Ray can finally feel at ease when Best said that he'd be discharged by the end of the fifth week.

"RIGHT!", Ray suddenly said a bit loudly that he got shushed by his boyfriend.

"Sorry, anyway Best", he talked normally "ai Tar said Dew visited you two days ago"

Best almost choked on the apple slice he was munching. It was Ray and Dave's turn to look after Best when aunty couldn't leave the school work that day and Best didn't expect Ray to ask let alone know that he had an unexpected reunion with Dew. How did he- right Ray's boyfriend is Dave and Dave is Tar and Dew's best friend. Of course.

"Yeah.... his mom is also hospitalized here, so....we met when he was visiting his mom"

"oh really?", Ray looked at Dave, asking for a confirmation and got a nod.

"So...", Ray drew out.

Ah, of course his best friend would be curious. After all Ray was one of the very first person who knew about his crush on Dew.

"Hi Best"

Best really couldn't believe his luck. After getting into an accident, met his first love's mother and then when his mind wandered to Dew, he suddenly appeared before his eyes. After seven whole years he left for Chiang Mai, seven years of Best trying to forget about him felt like a lie because all those feelings he tried to suppress are threatening to burst out of his chest upon seeing the man in front of him.

They had lunch together that day and Best thought he was doing his best not to make things awkward in front of Dew. That is until their mother suddenly left them both with their own excuses.

"Oh my look at the time, sorry Best, Mom had to go back to the school"

"Oh! right, I have a doctor appointment in my room after lunch, oh no Dew, aunty Aom can accompany me to my room while she's going back, you two can stay here to catch up"

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